Monday, May 21, 2007

A Little Info...

Marcus was an not an eagle scout. His favorite fish to catch is the next one. He has a big boat, a big garage, and a big old problem in his bladder. He enjoys teaching Shakespeare to teens and toddlers, virtue to students, and love to his family. We are heading back to the land of the corn for bladder cancer treatment at the University of Iowa. On our way there, we (Marcus, Peggy, and Mandy) are going to cruise through some of the spectacular rock formations of Utah and the breathtaking Rocky Mountains. We'll stop by and visit Marcus' brother Kurt and his family in Boulder for a few days. Wesley and his bethroved Alena will join us in Colorado for a few days before Mandy flys back to Santa Barbara to take care of business. Marcus, Peggy, Wes, and Alena will be heading to Iowa City and will arrive next week. Send us your love and laughter; we can't get enough.


Jules said...

Hi Marcus, Peg and Mandy Mae,
Travel safely these next few days and have fun camping on the way to KJ's. Sure would love to be there to help out with the drivin', I've always wanted a pick-em-up truck. So, we send our love across the miles and we're thinking of you all the time. Hugs and kissses from PK, Foster and me.
Love ya bro,

Alec - Life is Good said...

good things . . . good things :)

Craigers said...

Hello Marcus,
Thank you for including me in your blog announcement. I'm shocked that someone as vital and full of life as you would be attacked by the scourge of modern medical merica; but such can be the way of life. No rules, no favortism, just the way.
I am not surprised at the cacoon of family that is around you. This is the way of the Fuhrman's. I can imagine your immersion in their love. It is a good way.
As I write this I am not too far from Powell sitting in a hotel room in Albuquerque. It was windy today; sunny and windy. Jacque Bonet take me away.
I remember being in BeeBee Street as you planned your trip to St Thomas, and then after you returned. I relished the experience you had through your eyes and words. Thursday of this week I leave for Martinique to sail the waters of the Caribbean for the first time. We pick up our boat there and will be sailing and diving the Grenadines in hopes of meeting someone interesting. I still love meeting interesting people, taught me that....along with drinking Bunnomatic at Farley's.
I have no idea what you are embarking upon. I have no reference. Although we have not stayed in touch you have and will always reside in a very special place in my heart and I wish you better than well. I would love to reconnect and see your new bladder.
All Of My Very Best

peter said...

Hey Bro,

I am eally happy to see you are off to see a doctor/hospital that specializes in what you are facing. I had a little problem with signing in on the blog---I get all of the instructions in French. Turns out I had a Google account and did not know (remember) about. Plus I had to translate the english to english on some of the comments (pimpin---tres americaine). So say hi to CT if he is there and KJ when you are in Colorado. Graigs comments about your trip to the islands brought back a flood of memeories. All my love. p

Patty said...

Marcus, Peg, and Mandy,
I am eager for you all to get here to Iowa City UIHC, get in, get done, and get on your way to living. This is a strong program here, and you're in excellent hands. But must say...this is one heck of a way to get you to come visit:)

Hey. Marcus. I'm still looking for a hiking partner for this summer. plans?

White light surrounds and is in you. All my love, and safe journey,

Sue Johnson said...

Dearest Ones,
As I sit here in Suburbia, not Colorado or Martinique or Bee Bee Street (huh), I am thinking of you. I know that you both will "take charge" of this and come out on top. Maybe we can visit while you are in Iowa. Please let me know if I can be of any help with wedding details here in the cities.
Here is a positive Aunt Mabel story to cheer you. We were in Rochester at Mayo. Mom had just received the news that her kidney needed to be removed. Linda and I traveled to be with her. The three of us spent several days, dining out, shopping, laughing. In only a way that Mom could, she said, "You know, if I didn't have cancer, this would be a great vacation!" We will continue to lift you up in our thoughts and prayers.
With much love,
Sue and Ed

billburns said...

I've never met Marcus but it doesn't matter as all us humans are connected in some mysterious but real way. We are made from the same stardust. We have the same water flowing through our veins. Enough. I care.

Peggy and I worked at Phantom Ranch an age ago yesterday. I have much affection and love in my heart for her and it spills over.

Now I want to share with you all something that works.

When an indian prays rain he doesn't pray FOR rain. He PRAYS RAIN. He feels the big fat rain drops splashing on his body. Feels the mud of mother earth squish between his toes. Smells the aroma of water in the air and the wet sage. Then when finished he gives thanks and FEELS gratitude for the opportunity for him creating this possiblity in the universe.

This is the way Tibetian monks pray. The Prayer is the FEELING. Not words or hopes or begging to God for something. It is the FEELING!

I invite you to join with me to pray good health. FEEL your own good health. Feel how good it feels to take a deep breath. Feel a good stretch. Feel how good you feel after you play your favorite sport. Feel how damn good you feel after you hike to your favorite canyon or mountain or beach.

Then offer up to the universe and to Marcus all these good feelings. Offer it up with love,
with the thought that he is already cured, that he already has his good health. It is already there.

Then, and this is very important, feel your gratitude for the creation of this experience and the creation of his good health.

This is a very personal thing for me to share with ya'll. Its sacred for me. I humbly invite you to give it a try and get the feeling going and to pray with me.
As I have been doing. More is better.

A friend of mine Greg Bradden in New Mexico taught me how to pray this way.

So, peace on ya my friends and feel it!


TT said...

Hey Fuhrman-Folk,
Safe travels on your imminent journeys. OPT daily from DT, TT, ET, and LT.
Love you guys,

billburns said...

By the way . . . . feel how good a good laugh feels. The absolute biggest laugh I've had in years, maybe, my life was with Peggy in Jan. 2006 on Mormon Flats in the Grand Canyon.

"Hiker Alert!"

Big love to all,


Darrell Ankrum said...

Marcus: Hang in there cousin. I too have bladder cancer. Mine is quiet right now, but we all have to see how things will work out.

Life is too short to worry about it, and the Docs are coming up with new treatments all the time.

Good luck in Iowa City. Let me know how things work out for you.

Darrell Ankrum

Alena said...

You forgot that he has a big truck to haul the big boat and put in the big garage! The big billy-bob truck. You'll fit in perfectly in the cornfields we're headed for.

I have a birthday next week and I'll let you use my wish- we'll wish for more wishes! See you Saturday- cowboy boots 'n' all.

Big Love from Minnesota (not just for Marcus but for everyone around here!),
A&W (alena and wes)

Unknown said...

Hi again to Marcus and the girls. Just rode in this afternoon from an awesome visit with my big brother in the desert. Had a great time getting caught up on all of the thing's that we haven't shared over the last few years; and just spending time together like we used to in the pre-marriage/ pre-kid days. It's like all of those years just drift away once we get together and the brotherly bond is stronger than ever. I enjoyed all of out time together this past week and look forward to the next time we can get together. Have a great trip through the Rockies and we'll talk to ya soon:
Love from California:
Charley/Mary and the Kids

stacy said...

OK, Marcus, only for you and Peggy have I broken my vow to never discover what a blog is. I hope this works.

The tourons are at Powell; we had two unusual days of rain; we missed the sunshine, but missed you more.

And my favorite pun of all time -- Why will you never starve at the beaches of Lake Powell????

You can always eat the sand which is there.


Anonymous said...

Hi Marcus and Peg
I know you are travling today, we just wanted to let you know we have jointed the blogging world.

If anyone sees Marcus smiling he might be thinking of the instructions his Canyon family left for the Dr in Flag. Just ask him to lift up his shirt and you will see how much he is loved.

Travel safe Judi & Dave

norma arnold said...

Hi Maruc, This is Peggy's sister wife without the benefits. Safe travels to Iowa. I'm here if you need any help buying a new bigger truck, or a Porsche. Ha. Anyway I think I finally maaged to make it onto this blog. It is my first time blogging but I think I like.

Have fun camping and being with family. I am sending you all my LOVE and am patiently waiting to have a beer with you and your new bladder. Normie

norma arnold said...

Sounds like you are enjoying your travels and seeing some beautiful sites. Hugs and Kisses from Normie
PS I am going hiking in Icebox Canyon at Redrock tomorrow and will be thinking of you and sending happy thoughts on the wind.

Lori said...

I KNOW he loves Shakespeare! Remember our Hamlet party? "To Be or Not To Be?" What a trip for the Madman!