Monday, May 21, 2007

Here We Go


This is the new fabulous blog for the family, friends, and fans of Marcus Fuhrman. We'll be updating often to keep everyone up to speed on the latest news and plans. We may also include jokes, fun facts, and words of the day at our discretion.


-=wtf=- said...

Alena and I are family friends AND fans. sweet. Can't wait to see you and yes, there will be hilarity. Dad, did mandy pimp your blogspot? I can't see you sittin' there coding until the wee hours... Anyway, I'm about to search for some more cool pix to post. k thnx bai


Jules said...

This is gonna be much bedder than all the phone calls. I'll get it out to the fam...and my first time on a blog! Whoa! Fun!

Alec - Life is Good said...

'ello Marcus McBloggerman :

Congrats on the new Journalsitic/Correspondence gig !

Yeah... who be the pimpin', codin' fool ?

Love Alec

Alec - Life is Good said...

"The price of gas just keeps going up. Gas is so expensive that today I saw Jimmy Carter and President Bush carpooling."

--Jay Leno

Anonymous said...

Hey Bro,
Ain't no way CT was with you when you caught that fish. You're to dry.
Bring your raincoat, little soggy here in Boulder this week. Looking forward to seeing you and the gang.
Love KJ

Melanie Ann said...
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Melanie Ann said...

Hey, Mister "Eff,"

I look forward to keeping in touch with the best English teacher I've ever had. Best of luck and hope!!!

Em said...

Hi Marcus,
We send our love from Weed, CA
Best of Luck on this new journey,
Em and the boys

ali said...

Hi Markie Babie

My dad told me about your Blog and thought I might drop you a line. I was really dissapointed that
I didnt get to see you when ýou guys were in Boulder but it sounded like you had a lot of fun especially at Budha Ranch. Forgive my spelling I havent been speaking any English recently. Anyways just wanted to let you know I was thinking positive thoughts for you. Love you and hope to possibly see you guys later this summer.


Oh and Wes and Alena best wishes for your big day!

mary wilson said...

Miracles are natural they happen everyday...

mary wilson said...

Cousin Marcus....whatever is happening to you and my wonderful sister Shelley will go into remission because there are so many positive healing and loving thoughts coming your way.

Cousin Mary aka Emjay

jordansmama05 said...

If I had known earlier then today I would have posted and earlier blog. It sucks that this sort of thing has to happen to one of the "coolest" "greatest" "funniest" guys. I am happy to say that I am glad I got the chance to experience life with Mr. Fuhrman. He was and always will be my FAVORITE teacher of ALL time.. He was the kind of teacher that made going to school FUN.. Love you and miss you always Mr. Fuhrman.. YOU ROCK!!!! RIP!!!