Wednesday, April 23, 2008

We watched sunrise this morning...

It'd been quite awhile since Marcus and I watched a sunrise together. This morning, our first morning home in two weeks, I opened the curtains to the patio door and a most beautiful sunrise warmed our hearts.

Today we meet with the Hospice people from Saint George. They are kind and caring and were able to get a sense of what our family is all about through the books Julie made of special events this past year. So now we begin yet another stage in our journey. Mandy has decided to move back to the Page area (had been working at the Grand Canyon for several weeks) and Kurt (Marcus' brother), Laura, and our neice, Neeve, will be here Friday as well as Wes and Alena. My sister, Patty, is also planning a visit as are Julie and Paul.

I've been reading Final Gifts loaned from my good friend, Terry, about end of life communications and experiences written by two Hospice nurses and another book from my sister-in-law, Sharon, The Tibetin Book on Living and Dying. I highly recommend both of them.

We have so many people to thank for help and support on our journey. I am a little weary and simply want to say, thank you...for your love, sharing, help, support, generousity, prayers, and anything else. I do need to mention that our Grand Canyon friends performed a melodrama written and directed by Marcus' poker buddy, Bob Kelso and the profit went to, you guessed it, the Fuhrman family. While I know Bob is a funny guy, I was very impressed and needed the endorphens (spelling) from the laughter! They may perform for tourists this summer so check it out if you get Grand Canyon way.

Every day remains a gift. Please continue to post comments.
Love and appreciation, Peggy


Jules said...

Hi Dearest Peg and Marcus,
Sunrises here in California and there over Navajo Mountain will always have such a sweet association for us all. Yesterday and today were 2 gorgeous sunrises looking out towards Lopez with the light streaming straight into the garden in the front yard. Must have been a sign of the love that we all feel as we hold onto Marcus for just a little longer. Peggy, thank you for the love and wonderful care you are giving him. How lucky he was to find you so many years ago and to share this amazing lifetime together. I love you and will be there soon.

MsRolewski said...

Just much love and continued smiles and huge, strong, warm hugs for you. You know you are all always in our thoughts.

Cindy and Mark

LaraDeal said...

Mr. Fuhrman and family,

My deepest, warmest wishes for your family's love to continue to prosper and always light up your souls brighter than the desert sun that brings you beautiful sunrises.

Mr. Fuhrman,

You were my teacher twice during my school years, and I've been reading about your journey and reflecting on how much has changed. In Fort Dodge, Iowa during some impressionable years (7th grade and 10th grade) I learned that the Eagles are the best music group for me (I saw them in concert later in college). I became addicted to maps, photography, literature, daydreaming about far away places and historical events, and laughing. I learned you can paint a mini van, pile nearly 20 kids into it and drive it onto a school lawn in front of a principal's office and not get into trouble even though you can hear the music in the van blaring louder than all the laughter coming from the students stuffed inside. I learned you can go easily from laughter to tears and back again, that when balloons do get put into ceiling fans the janitors just remove it the first time but are a little annoyed the second time. I learned that love and conviction are the greatest of all things- I learned this by watching and carefully listening to you teach and the ways you used to show how much you wanted the class to learn. You had a lot to teach us, and you wanted us to learn life; not just Shakespeare and yearbook designs. Thank you for every bit of your wisdom that you passed on. I was always intrigued to learn, and I am grateful for having been a student of yours among many.

How do you say hello and thank you to someone who was such a great influence and after so long? By reminding you there are a lot of people out there who wish you the very best. My family and I are keeping you and yours in our prayers.

Lara Deal

Nic Nic said...

I am extending a huge a hug to the entire Fuhrman family and wish I could be there to give it in person. My thoughts are with all of you, always.

Love, Nicci

Ali said...

Well guys, it has taken me longer than I would have liked to distill the words: I know Marcus and Peggy mostly through Mandy, but that leaves it clear enough to observe:

That which, in Marcus and Peggy, nurtures those around them
And that which, in them, adventures in this world,
Inspires in us nurturing,
and a sense of adventure in this world,
And that is a gift from you two that those all around you share.
Thank you,


Jules said...

Wow, Marcus, what fun it must have been to be a student in your class! PK and I loved reading Lara Deal's letter and can only try to picture you in the way you've touched so many kids and changed their lives forever. You DID that Marcus! You made a difference to so many people and your impact will be felt for so many years to come. The true gift of a teacher is how you are viewed by the children and students you taught. You were a gift to so many,including me. I love you, my dear sweet talented brother. Sweet dreams and wishing you a gorgeous sunrise there in Big Water. Give Mandy and Peg a hug from Pk and me. I'll be thinking about you at sunrise tomorrow morning and be with you on Saturday.


Marcus said...

Hi Marcus and Peggy

It was wonderful to see you guys last week at the Canyon. I know this is a difficult time for both of you and our prayers and those of many others are with you. Try to enjoy the the moments, savor the memories and cherish the dreams. I have learned so much about living life from you guys and it has changed me forever, thanks for the help.


Em said...

I send you hugs and love to wrap around you right now. I am thankful I could be with you all this past several months a few times. Lars really enjoyed getting to know his aunt and uncle a little better too. Mom is on her way south, she just spent a week with us and is happy to be going home. Steve is handing her off to Charlie and I think that Peter arrived last night. I send you smiles and fond memories through the sunsets and sunrises you share.
Love you,

sankrum said...

Reading the loving memories of your student, Marcus . . . wow. I wish you'd been my teacher. What gift, what a legacy.

My love and Denny's are there with all of you: Marcus and Peggy, Alena and Wes, Mandy.

Cherish your sunrises and sunsets, all.


canyonteacher said...

Hi Marucs, Peg, and your loving Furhman family,

I never had the honor of being in Marcus' classes, our classroom was all around! I wrote a list of 10 top things I was grateful for years ago when we all lived at the Grand Canyon and they were for Peggy and Marcus. I knew when I met them what gems I had found. A once in a lifetime friend find. I can't find that list these days, but I remember writing "I'm thank for Marcus' V-O-C-A-B-U-L-A-R-Y, his never ending volumes of information on anything, the laughter at absurd and off the wall conversations, for Peggy tolerating Annie, to not give up on breastfeeding"...and it goes on. P and M, your lust and love for life and finding the wonderful moments in them have been so inspiring to Tom and I since we have been on our journey of having babies. Our kids have benefitted greatly from the two of you. That I could never repay, but I see it as a circular way of payment...pass it on to whomever you cross during your time on earth, share the magical ah ha's, excitement, and love for life. All of this ceratinly has made our lives richer and more meaningful forever. Marcus and Peg...I carry you in my heart always. I look out on our wall in the backyard and see Marcus' graffiti that says "Unkle Marcus Loves Talkers" in blue chalk and the response is reciprocated. We love you so much.

Shell, Tom, Maddox, and Gracie

canyonteacher said...

sorry about the misspelling of Fuhrman! Shell was concentrating on content!!! love yas

Unknown said...

We wrapped up the "Curious Savage" this weekend but the thoughts & prayers of WCCT are with the Fuhrman family. Sitting in the basement of the theatre I couldn't help but think how involved your whole family was. I especially remember you directing Cathy & Carrie in "Steel Magnolias" Remember your blood red armadillo cake? Thanks for being the one talented player on our slow break basketball team. How many times did you hit us in the face with your no-look passes? The get togethers at your candyland home were memorable. That house really reflected the personality of its owners. Every time I drive past it I can't help but smile. Gregg-O

Sue said...

I am sitting at my desk, watching the sunrise and feel connected to all of you.
Just a little Marcus story, he probably doesn't even remember. Marcus was just beginning his teaching career. My Adam was in Junior High and "he had beautiful blue eyes." That is what the teacher tells you at parent teacher conferences when they are trying to start out the conversation with a positive! Adam was a "spirited child" and loved living life...still does at 29. We were sitting in Mom's living room and Marcus and Peggy were visiting with us. Marcus turned to Adam and said, "Hey, you're a junior high kid, what do you think I should do in class to make it fun for the kids to learn?" Well, I don't remember Adam's answer, but I do remember the look on his face. "What? You care what I think? You think that I might have something to contribute? Why don't I have a teacher like you?" That moment renewed my faith in teachers. That there really were those who cared about the kids...and certainly Marcus is one of those teachers.
Well, as the sun gets higher in the sky, I need to get to work. Thinking of you,

Ryherd said...

Marcus and Peggy,
We send thoughts and prayers for strength for this part of your journey. Life is so fragile. So is love. You two have held both in high priority for each other. May today continue to find you being each others best friend, sharing the gifts of the day.
Donna and Dan

RavenWing said...

I dreamt a dream of you last night. We were discussing poetry (naturally, right?). You were helping me understand the theraputic value of poems. You were as spunky as ever, as enthusiastic as usual, and incredibly insightful. I awoke with a peaceful feeling both for you and myself.
The dream is a gift. I have decided to leave teaching, and have been looking into a degree as a Certified Poetry Therapist. Thus, having you encourage me in the dream was just what I needed. If you recall, you were also a great influence to me during my first year of teaching. It's comforting to have your presence as I enter a new phase of my life. I truly believe the universe brought us together for a reason.

I hope you know you have always been and will always be a part of my life. Your encouragement and wisdom influences me daily.

It was nice to see you in the dream. I hope we can see each other in person soon. You and Peggy are such wonderful people. I (we all) miss you around the school.

Love and prayers,
Dana Crane

Unknown said...

So Now: I ride solo through the backroads
So Now: I order buffalo wings and can't call you - to tell you how good they were
So Now: I raise a beer - but it's to your memory
So Now: I miss your MoJo
So Now: I miss you so