Thursday, March 13, 2008

same ole same ole

Light gray sky, been up for an hour, playing on the web and researching boston whaler boats. I love boats nearly as much as I love sunrise, although being aboard my boat at sunrise is the ultimate mooring/morning delight. Lots about to begin today, we have the Marucs Page School's Benefit at the middle school and two of my lovin bros will be here for the spagetti feed. then I'll get up and say a funny thing or two and look around the room at all the locals who took time to show their care for Peggy and me. It's hard to thank everyone, impossible perhaps, but I know they know they are apprreciated to the max. 700 dinners? Impossible! Unheard of! ...sunrise / sunset... thanks Page USA a town full of loving and giving human beings and that's our fav kind. Some who are making this happen are Michelle JK, Paula, Dana B., Robin, Sharon and her leadership kids, Paul and his kids, Stacy, Roxanne, and so many more i'm not sure about but they are out there.

Insert Peggy here to write about iowa. The Iowa benefit may be over but the memory is set in my head. I can see family, friends, and even strangers gathered in a midwest church with mounds of snow outside. With Steve as mc, Glen and Carlis opened the event. Patty, Steve, Richard and his son (Wabeek Trackers), Patty, Dixie, Carlis, and Mike (Black Sheep)rocked the church - cool that it's ok to rock a church. Many rockin guests, Marcus heard you from Alena's speaker phone - the bands, Sharon and Denny, Mary, Mike and a whole crew of the Adams Family members (spooky? naah, just lovin support for Mary and Mike and us), Wes and Alena, Sue, Ed, Joey, Adam, and Dawn, Linda, Rich and Emily, Jeremy, James, Marsha, Dale, Dan and Donna, Paul and Tammy, Kenny, Joan, and Coleen. Eagles Stan and Donna even stopped to see Peggy. So many others helped with baked goods - iowa bake sale, set up and clean up, did i mention counting $$$ much! I wish i had the pictures because I am forgetting to mention many I know were there. Please know that even though my memory often fails my heart doesn't; it is warmed by all who participated in person and through loving support from afar. The extent of the love and support continues to amaze me and lift us up. Also big thanks to Dan, Terry, the Phillips for transportation to and from Mesa and Flag lodging and for hanging out with Marcus in the chemo room.

Marcus back - Tomorrow Peggy, I, Mandy, Kurt and Chas drive to the canyon for the weekend benefit at the community building, holy moly so many donaations for the auction and raffle it boggles. Again more donated food, pizza & pop, and a live band, plus surprises? It's gonnna rock the canyon! I'm already surprized by the giving of time and energy to plan, prepare and present all that is scheduled. Again impossible to thank all, but my hat is off (as well as most of my hair) to dan/t; laura/bob; kay b; judy/dave; pete/becky, shel/tommy; kj & ct, jules and paul; nancy/keith and so many more. I'm getting dizzy with names.
Back to sunrise, starting its color parade this am with a glowing band of pink to gold,the gold endng in clouds,contrasting light and dark. The contrast helps me understand or better know this cancer. At times it seems imperable, absolute - other times the cancer is just a quick passing pain or discomfort, and sometimes, especially after a solid, dead to the world nap, I'll wake up completely unaware of the disease, the pills, the chemo, the side effects. And then I stand up, feel dizzy, or queasy and all is clear again about who and what and how I'm living. I really should take more naps. Light outside is starting to shape the real clouds, revealing waves of gray and troughs or billows of faint white streaks across the sky. A light blood red band edges the base of the clouds, as if a ruby red grapefruit picture frame is reaching from Navajo mountain to the dark gray buttes nearby. Now nature has awoken from its napping night and pastel colors cross all the east. I will take a nap today. don't forget yours.
love and laughter, marcus


Bob said...

Wow, first poster! I'm here at my office at GC so I've got great napping opportunities, thanks for the reminder! My cellie is a bit on the fritz but we are good to go for cards, et al. for Friday at Casa de Kelso. We'll set up as many tables as needed so we will gladly take the $ of as many as are brave enough to venture in! See you all soon,

Mandy said...

Gypsy take your money? I'm here at the Page HS and ever corner I turn a student/teacher/office person extrodinaire asks about you. I am excited for the benefits too and so impressed with the turn out last weekend in Iowa. It's pretty great to be the daughter of someone who inspires so many. Actually the daughter of TWO people who do so. Love you!

-=wtf=- said...

HEY dad!

I'm trying to get everything ready to be there for benefit pt III. We've got our bags, food, tune up on the car, fresh ipod tunes, and a whole lotta love! We'll see you suuuuper soon!

Miss Lisa S. said...

Hey Hey Marcus Turkey! You might have to ask Mandy...”whoz dat girl”, but hopefully you will remember me. I have been reading your blogs for a couple of months and check your site daily in the hopes of a new post. I want to thank you so very much for sharing yourself, your emotions, feelings and poetic-magical-ness during this mysterious journey. You are such a special man. Your blogs are a gift to us... each one I read I am reminded of how amazingly powerful life, love and friendship really are. You write so poignantly and with such honesty I always get an immediate sense of reality and clarity about life and living in the moment. A piece of you lives inside all of us each and every day.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. With your words I have evolved.
Lots-o love, laughter and sunrises!

Unknown said...

Marcus, I hear the Page benefit spaghetti dinner was a smashing success! I wish I could have been at GC last night at "love fest III" with all the friends and fam. How did it go? Posts!! Posts!!

Peggy, I've emailed photos of the Iowa concert. I want to thank everyone who sent cards/donations. We displayed these at the concert by the front entrance. There are still many cards at the Mount Vernon bank, which I'll pick up Monday and mail along with donations in the account.

Marcus,when you talked with us via speaker cell, friends said they felt gathered in...and really saw the intimacy of your journey, love, and laughter. Peg, Mandy, Wes,'s like we're this mobile "connect the dots" only they're already connected. I feel so close to you all. I love you.

Today in Iowa is gray and melting. It may be one of those Springs where one leaves by one route, and returns home by another. Wish I could route that water to Lake Powell!

I'll check in later for updates on benefits.


MsRolewski said...

We wish we could be there tonight--but we are with you in heart!
Cindy and Mark

sankrum said...

I imagine this weekend was a glorious one at the canyon. And Iowa - not much to add, except that I'm so glad I was able to be there with Peggy and the rest and witness all the caring manifest.

I found another poem this morning, for both of you:


John O’Donohue

On the day when
the weight deadens
on your shoulders
and you stumble,
may the clay dance
to balance you.
And when your eyes
freeze behind
the grey window
and the ghost of loss
gets in to you,
may a flock of colours,
indigo, red, green,
and azure blue
come to awaken in you
a meadow of delight.

When the canvas frays
in the currach of thought
and a stain of ocean
blackens beneath you,
may there come across the waters
a path of yellow moonlight
to bring you safely home.

May the nourishment of the earth be yours,
may the clarity of light be yours,
may the fluency of the ocean be yours,
may the protection of the ancestors be yours.
And so may a slow
wind work these words
of love around you,
an invisible cloak
to mind your life.

Jules said...

Hi Marcus,
Hoping today goes easier on you. Guess we just partied a little too hard on Saturday and must have worn you out. Get your rest and your strength will return. I love you and have so many wonderful pictures from the party to send to you. I know when you see your friends again in the photos you'll know the love everyone has for you. That will be a healing piece for you. Know I'm thinking of you at sunrise this morning even though you might not be up for our chat.
Love to you from here in AG. Your friends Annie and Ken are leaving early in the morning and heading for So. Cal and Pepperdine U. Such a sweet family. We took them down to Grover Beach so we could walk Foster and they could do a run on the beach. It was a perfect sunset time.
Hugs across the miles,

Sue said...

Good Morning. The pastor I work for used Marcus and the rainbow picture in his message on Sunday. As a symbol of hope after the storm, in tandem with Noah and the rainbow that arrives after "the flood." Reminds us to stand under the rainbow always.
The snow is beautiful this morning. Right Alena and Wes? The trees are frosted and I think the rush hour drivers must be too! So glad my commute is just a few blocks.
Keeping it short today...back to work.
1-2-3 we love you Marcus!

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Smartphone, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Abby said...

Hello from--once again!--sunny Iowa. The snow continues to melt; Iowans continue to shuck layers.
Yesterday was grey and blah and I was in a cat-kicking mood (figuratively!). I was trying to pick my spirits up when I thought (literally), "Ah-HA!", I'll pop onto Mr. Marcus' blog and read some of his beautiful posts. So I did. And I was happier for your eloquent words and sanguine attitude. So thank you. :-)
Rehearsals have begun for the April WCCT production, "The Curious Savage". It is a great show about a widow who wants to use her fortune to make people's dreams come true. Its message couldn't be better: experiment, dream, create, life! Perhaps we can inspire just 1 person to do that crazy something they've always thought about doing and never have. Heck, maybe that someone will be me! :-)
I hope things are sunny in your corner of the USA. I'll continue to ask Mr. Moon to watch over you at keep up with the great sunrise descriptions. Big e-hug from Ham. Co! :-) Abby