hello again, time for update. peg and i and mandy are at norma's in vegas, and on our way to cool, foggy, comfortable calif because big water just refuses to forget it is a desert and won't cool off. we will spend a week there while my sis sails thru europe on a small river boat with paul louis.
so what's new? chemo is 50% over, only two more long and two more short days of treatment, that will be good to have done with, one drug is NASTY, makes me feel i'm in some special part of hell for about 3-4 days, have been coping otherwise fairly well, thanks in part to magic pills that disconnect the brain from receiving distress/pain/nausea signals from the rest of the "hot bod". thank you science. when chemo is over, i have an dr. appt. in tucson in mid sept and will be scheduled for surgery then. out with the bad, in with the good, then climb back to total health.
spent two days at the canyon last week, before the short day and i went out into the woods with three women! they filled the truck with lots of pinon pine and pine needles.
i send love and hope to everyone and don't forget: this is not practice, this is life!
later, marcus
Steve and I had dinner with Harry and Mary the other night at our place and were thinking of you. Enjoy Jules' house, I happen to think the beach is a healing place. Do watch out for great whites though! Lars is just back from a week at running camp in the Arcada fog. He put on a lot of miles and has learned some new excercises that look a little painful. Zach is doing really well at summer school. He is majoring in moral philosophy so doesn't think that will jive with taking the dance show on the road. He has been out crabbing a lot lately and has developed some new recipes like crab quesadillas to name one. We are off in a few weeks to Portland, want any books from Powell's?
Showing us courage
Giving us laughter
Offering us hope
Teaching us lessons
Moved by your spirit
Praying for your recovery
Wishing you good feelings
Waiting to celebrate
I love you brother, and though you aren't the immortal super-hero who let me tag around him with decades ago, you still be a hero to me.
You will be strong
so glad you're using the wonderful ocean breezes and sunny days of the coast, marcus.i know they are good for your spirit as well as your body. You're headed to the downside of chemo now with numero tres coming up. I have lit candles in all the beautiful cathedrals along our way with the prayer being to have you well and healthy once again. Of course we also drink a glass of delicious Rhine wine to your health each night too.so , hoping your week was wonderful and know we love you so much. Al's words say it the best for all of us and they make me cry...all the way across the world. Missing you,
jules & paul louis
I am so glad you have a web page. Whenever I think of you all I can go to the web page and get updated. That way I don't have to bother anyone. I applaud at the strength you and your family have. I know Peg is a rock. A note to Peg: Did you know that Dennis Barr is our new interim superintendent?
You are in our prayers - keep up the good fight.
Can't wait until the 2nd half of the journey is over.
Donna Madson
we'll be seeing you guys so soon- about a week and a half!!
Also just thought we'd let everyone know that Wes and I are safe and none of the family or friends that we have around here (that we know of yet) were hurt or killed in the Minneapolis 35W bridge collapse.
It is a very surreal mood here in Minneapolis right now but we're glad that we and everyone we care about are safe and sound.
Love to all,
Alena and Wes
Wes and Alena,
Soooo glad to see your comment, I had no way of contacting you...did you move closer to the U??? Please know if ever you need anything you can call us. 651-731-8536. I did have a coworker who came up on the bridge just minutes after the collapse...on their way into Minn. Glad to hear all your circle is OK. Love,
Cousin Sue
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