home alone, pegandmandy at the pool, already aug 4, after long chemo day in flag, friday. so three cycles active, one to go. Returned to utah and wonderful monsoon weather, about 80' and storms all over the landscape. Hey, even a rainbow landed on my head, ha! We returned after seven grey, quiet days on the coast, welcome fog and 70' days. Took time to read, eat fish and chips (thrice at three different restaurants = all good), watered and tended to Jule's vast garden spaces, played with pooch, watched an outdoor production of "Taming of the Shrew" performed "Western style" and even test drove a newer model vw camper which now has us thinking about returning to our former vagabond aged-hippie travel style. Could it be, that with peg still calling my truck names after a year of living with "Big Horn", it's time to move on? Here is the question: How can a guy love a truck and love a wife who doesn't share that guy thing about motion emotion? here's how to move on = sell big ole billy bob truck! no problemo.
Henny-way,we are home, and it's gear up time for school, Peggy is now back to her fav job, working as elem. school counselor. yeah, yeah, yeah! i get to sub while on chemo and thru the surgery time and perhaps more chemo after the gut-cut. Mandingo is prepping to sub as well at page schools. ah, the benefits of higher education. we getting phsyced for wes and alena to come play in the desert in about 10 days, norma you're the bomb! and yes the boat will be in the lake, gassed up and ready to run. Tanner, not to worry, we will hook up w/the stripers and trout. oh yeah.
Photo: one shows maddox and peg playing with poi balls that light up and create wondereous whizzing streams of liquid light, until one bonks you in the head or elsewhere, equally unpleasant. lots of fun, alfresco, santa barbara style.
well, time to go take a nap. love to all and any who read and care about us. we are lucky so many do. love to all and to all "hit the couch, it's sat.afternoon." marcus
Hey guys!! Love the shots of you, Mandy and the Talker family!! Great memories you're makin'.
Just last week I was sitting on your patio wondering where you were. (???) I was on my way up to see Dave at Bryce and crashed on your couch!!! Didn't know how to turn the outside lights on but it was full moon so I didn't need matter. Thanks for lettin' me crash!!
First time to see Bryce. WOW!!!!!
It was like a 23rd honeymoon seeing it with Dave for the first time. Incredible to see after spending all my time at the South Rim!!!
Marcus, you looked great when we saw you at the Canyon! I know it's been rough for you but you've handled it like a trooper. OPT's really do work!!!
Love ya!! J&D
Kev's in Southern Cal. at the Zaco fire and Matthew's gettin' ready to start school this week.
Hey guys!! Love the shots of you, Mandy and the Talker family!! Great memories you're makin'.
Just last week I was sitting on your patio wondering where you were. (???) I was on my way up to see Dave at Bryce and crashed on your couch!!! Didn't know how to turn the outside lights on but it was full moon so I didn't need matter. Thanks for lettin' me crash!!
First time to see Bryce. WOW!!!!!
It was like a 23rd honeymoon seeing it with Dave for the first time. Incredible to see after spending all my time at the South Rim!!!
Marcus, you looked great when we saw you at the Canyon! I know it's been rough for you but you've handled it like a trooper. OPT's really do work!!!
Love ya!! J&D
Kev's in Southern Cal. at the Zaco fire and Matthew's gettin' ready to start school this week.
Hey Marcus,
We had a bear swing by for some scrap food last night at home, very exciting stuff. You guys should travel this day one day. Congratulations on the near end of chemo, sounds like you are doing better. We have a magical mountain and the dali lama's oracle was here this past weekend!
Love to you,
Mr. Marcus.....I have been meaning to tell you and Peggy how much fun I had with you at Aunt Julie's house...thank you SO much for having me!
Hey...did you get the van yet? Can we take it camping???? Sweet :)
Santa Barbara misses our favorite Mandy so make sure you give her lots of hugs since we cant. Until I see you next time (on your homefront), feel good and keep looking good.
Love Nic Nic
My loverly family, Marcus, Peg, the "kids",
Okay, gotta say it. Love the bald head, Marcus. You really pull it off! You'll never think of "bald" in quite the same way again. Hmmm....wonder what your hair's going to look like when it comes back? Be sure and take weekly pics and stitch them together on the computer, so we can see the various stages: "5-oclock shadow", "kiwihead", etc. It's kinda exciting.
Well, I miss you all sooooo much, and say hi to Wesman, Alena, Mandy Mae for me. It's so hard having you all so far away...but right now, you should be feeling my love shining on your faces. Well, except for the time zone thing!
The pics are GREAT! I'll write again soon.
loooooove you!
Wow! I love the rainbow shot on the head. What a cure for cancer! Looks like you guys are enjoying life. I miss you! Everett misses you! I know you had your long day on Friday. Hope it's going all right.
Loveyou and hope to see you soon!
Love, lorlor and the rommels
we miss you. hanging out in the desert was more fun than cleaning our apartment and going to work/school. oh well.
lots of hugs from MN,
Hi Marcus, Peggy, and Mandy, Hope all is going well in Tucson Town. It has been great seeing you this summer, coming and going through Vegas, and back and forth to the airport. Staying at Big Water and drinking wine with the kids all night was GREAT too. Marcus I love the picture of you with the rainbow. That should definitely bring you the luck you deserve. Love and miss you, Normie PS It always takes me about 20 tryies before I can log into this blog..Duh!
Marcus - This is your cousin Shelley. I have been thinking about you lots since we spoke yesterday. I am sending positive thoughts and energy your way.
I forgot one thing about the radiation - it does make you very tired and dehydrates you. I was so dehydrated (and couldn't swallow) that I have to have 3 hours of IV "rehydration" after radiation for the last 3-4 weeks. But sleep, dream and let your body heal.
I came home and canceled the throat endoscopy I was scheduled for Wednesday. I want to discuss the purpose more with my new oncologist - I am getting tired of being poked, prodded and other invasive procedures, so he's going to have to justify this one for me (plus I can't help but think it's a bad idea while my throat is still healing).
Anyway - onto the more positive - I enjoyed talking to you, and seeing your family. I think it's been 30+ years since I last saw Harry or Julie. I am looking forward to seeing you in person someday soon too.
Everyone is great - and they are also all sending positive energy your way.
Keep in touch, I let you know how my next tests go.
Hey Bro,
Just got back from a short trip down to Nice for an AA weekend. We did a bridge tour with a pass through the Gorge de Tarn for the modern Millau Bridge then on to the Pont d'Arc and the Pont du Gard---some incredible stuff. A modern highway bridge over a river, a natural stone arch bridge over a river and a 2000 year old Roman aqueduct bridge over a river. You would love it. Looking forward to coming out your way to see how you do canyons. Be there in a couple of weeks. peter
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