hello from Minnesota. we are ensounched at the hyatt, waiting to jog downtown to a jazzzzz club tonite, recommended by wesley tanner, who at this moment is walking with his wife on a beach in mexico. hard to recap all we've done, but here goes: Vegas last wednesday, sitting at Norma's pool, chillin-grilling. Puff, the magic fireworks hit a nearby palm tree and KABOOSH! instant 30' torch. draw-matic. off to airport, off the tarmack, off into the humid mid-west. shopped for rehearsal dinner, rehearsed, and had a beautiful sun filled afternoon at nearby indpendance lake. lots of kids, pizza, beer and laughter. nice day.
saturday, day of beauty, day of joy. girls-peggy, mandy, alena, tessa, jules and escort paul louis, drive off for fancy feet and painted nails. I napped. So dress up and get out to Alena's parent's house for ceremony. Look to photos for details on dressing and dresses. suffice to say SHE was a beauty in white and HE the coolest young man in western civ. stood in a flower stuffed garden filled with friends family. the wedding party walked in, a few words were shared and then: choo, choo, chooooooooo. a train roars thru the afternoon heat just behind the garden and must have hooked a total of 99 cars bouncing behind the engines. Definitely the world's longest wedding train! it was three minutes hilarious, unexpected entertianment. the rest of the day music played, friends danced, families talked and ate and ate some more. great to see peg's sista's, mary (and Mike) and patty, mother-in-law ellen a., and lots of wes' and mandy's old buds from our old home town of webster city, and special was the visit with the Oliver's. Friends. nuff said. kids danced into the nite and us old gezzers sat, laughed and wished we had such happy feet. alena, your parent created the prettiest flower garden wedding this side of shangri-la. thanks a gazillion margie and jack for making their day completely memorable.
sunday, woke up to a hot & way-way humid and sweaty city. 95 degrees! what to do? climb into a/c big american car and drove, after breakfast, out to lake minnetonka and checked out lake side living. stopped for late lunch, breeze picked up and 30 min later temp dropped to 75'! nice. back to alena's parent's house and watched wes and alena open presents and share sweets. spent rest of nite here at the hyatt with mandy, jules, paul, wes, alena, aunt mary, aunt patty and myself. ate, laughed, talked, back up to our room and time to cut my hair! shaved it off as pulling it out in public was beginning to bother some of us! so now i look like bruce willis without the attiutde and with a loving wife, daughter, and son and his offical new Mrs F.
today, we slept in, bid mary and patty adieu, had a wonderful lunch downtown and drove out the the botanical gardens. did a bunch of NOGS. (naps on grass) tomorrow we'll do a art musee, a science museum and visit cousin sue in st. paul. then off to the wild and hopefully cooler west on wednesday. later this week we get to flagstaff for round two, let's bring on the chemo and kill more cancer cells. "u gotz to die" says the cancernator.
Enjoy the photos and keep writing back, love and laughter to all, marcus
Hey Marcus,
Congratulations to feats I look forward to; within a few weeks of each other an impressive graduation and a beautiful wedding.
Steve and I went to see Pink Martini, our favorite band. they performed with SF symphony and were celebrating Wes and Alena's big day in the city. We played in the city and I thought of how you used to tease me about the magnet the city always had for me. it still works. It is 104 here and the fog was a welcome respite.
Love to you and Peg.
em and the boys
Always nice to know there's another Fuhrman out there in the world: Welcome to the clan Alena (especially one with Tat's).. Wishing you and Wes a long & happy marriage and much LOVE AND HAPPINESS.... Good Vibes to all from No. California: Harley Charley & the Gang..
Hi Marcus, M and P,
Sitting here in the LV airport waiting, waiting and waiting for our flight back to Santa Maria. Up early this morn but hope you guys slept in at cousin Sue's. Such a pretty part of MN. Hope you just relaxed today since we've been running pretty hard for the last 6 days. or maybe a "nog" or 2. PK checked on your temp at home...just plain HOT! Travel safely back to Flag and get another batch of that cancer killing stuff. You amazed both of us with your strength and stamina with all the wedding stuff. Keep strong, eat healthy (no ceasars) and we miss you guys being a part of our traveling team. The photos look great on the blog.Be sure to add a new one with the full hair cut.
Lova ya,
Jules and PK
Maddox says, "You lost your hair, Uncle Monkey! What the heck?" He was a bit perplexed when he saw the photo at first, but then he rebounded and gave the exclamation above. He also says, "I miss you and love you and can't wait until you come back from Flag." He was doing something the other day that I didn't approve of and I asked him why he was doing it...his reply, "I do it because I'm smart." Out of the mouth of a 3 year old, what a stinker! Hope you're having a great time in LV with Normie, we miss you Normie! Love you, safe travels, see you soon! We can't wait to see you again MandyMaeMartinez!
Shell and Mad
Hey Bro: Do your magic tomorrow with a lil "KCA" potion.... Love ya/Miss ya: Harley Charley & Gang
Hi there...
Mandy you left a "part" to your computer, I will mail it to Utah along with Peg's glasses tomorrow. So great to have you with us. Joe is singing at a coffee house tonight, wish you could have heard him. Also, Mandy, can you tell me the name of the reading from Wes' wedding? My daughter-in-law to be wants me to find something.
Marcus, you are "positive attitude" personified. Give it all you've got tomorrow and we will be sending all the good vibes we can muster.
Peg, how is the knee? Walk it off...haha. So great to see and hug you guys. Love you lots, had the last piece of peach pie for breakfast.
OK, Mr. Marcus...
Here you go for Round Two, you C-Nator!!!! I'll be thinking about you all day and look forward to a short chat at the end of the 8 hours. You can do it, Bro, and know we're here with you all the way through it. Loved our time together...and thanks to Alena and Wes we got to spend a wonderful 6 days together. That was the best!
Love you tons,
Jules and PK
Hi Marcus,
We just returned from the beach at NC it was GREAT! All week at work when things would get stressful ( Iknow GC school stressful) Judi was "feeling the waves". The curly haired one is keeping the village safe from fire in 95 degree heat. Jr is heading back to Col Springs to glide around in a plane without an engine, I guess you have to go longer before you get a plane with an engine.
Congrates on your families new union. Please pass along our best wishes. I am sure it was a special day for you and Peg.
OPT Dave
Hi there,
Just seeing how it is going, and wanted you to know we are thinking of you. Hope the wonder pills are working! We ate dinner down on the St. Croix last night. Beautiful. Glad the weather was nice so you could enjoy it.
Going tomorrow night to help Emily pick out a dress for Laura's Iowa reception. We might go to the Iowa ranch this weekend just to play. It is supposed to be 95+ degrees again! Anxious to hear how you are doing...I'm sure it is great to have Mandy with you...
much love,
We love and miss you guys so much. But we'll see you soon! I'm so glad it's working out for us to come and visit. I can't believe we'll have MOVED by then. ack. so much to do.
Big hugs,
Alena and Wes
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