Travel to Flag tomorrow to resume chemo and active particiaption in my health care/ recovery. Actully it's fairly passive: I sit; they drip. I sleep; they drip/drip. I wake; we visit; they do drip to the third power. I sigh and shuffle out to the truck, listen to songs with Peggy on the way home, and finally sleep. But it is important to rejoin the battle. I want everyone to know, all who wish me well, wish me love, and wish me strength are with me during the harsh, hard hours under this black cloud of cancer, and in those hours, I recall and remember your faces, your hugs and your words and wishes. You lighten up those clouds. In Hawaii, we learned that rain on one side of island, meant sunny on other side! Not forget: the sun will rise again and again and again. like me. like peggy, like my children and family and friends. so many. i'm a lucky man on the sunny island side.
love, marcus
Dad, I remember that while storms poured on one side of the island and sun scorched the other, in the middle somewhere was always a rainbow. Thank you for the light. I love you.
PS Attention turkeys... email pics from Thanksgiving and I'll post 'em up on here...
Markie-Baby! I miss you so so much, and am already anticipating my next visit! There will have to be more dinosaur expeditions, feasting and football (yes I did actually enjoy the hours and hours of football)! Though I loved watching White Christmas and Office Space with you, by far my favorite was just watching the moon rise (both the second and first time) and just talking, I love hearing all your stories. It was by far the greatest and memorable thanksgiving brake. I can only imagine how hard it must be for you to have to go back to chemo, but know that you have the love of your family and friends to get you threw it. I love you all so much and can't wait to visit again!
<3 Love <3
Joy Adoration Affection Peace
I love you
As we like to say @ the Dinner Table:
"Happines, Health, Safety & Love -
With Peace in our Hearts - and -
Love in our Family.....
Yes, Mark; you are joined with us every nite at dinner...
Harley Charley & the Gang
PS: Let me know what you want Saturday nite - the menu's still open! Great Pics Mandy..
You move us to tears and make us laugh simultaneously. How does one do that? You are certainly an expert with the pen. We love you so much, kick cancer's a*& tomorrow!
We love you love you love you,
I'm sending you my powers (Mad)
...found a pearl of hope and am making it into many necklaces! Thanks for the sunny side reminder, too. Much love from the low desert. :)
Remembering the sunrises each morning last week with a pot of coffee between us (unless I had made it and it was pouring all over the counter and floor) , the sun came from the darkness of the night and we were so caught up in the beauty of it all, so it will be as you begin again.
I love you and will be holding your hand across the miles as you sit in your chair in the morning for some of the cancer fighting meds. Loving you from AG to BW and beyond.
What a wonderfull week we had with KJ and all the kids. I smile every time I think about that crazy Christmas CD we listened to and laughed at on Sunday night....memories!!!!and it makes me feel like I'm back there in Big water with you. (Make me a copy, Mandy Mae, PLEASE)
You are loved because YOU love. Visualize the power and strength of all of us who are with you in the morning.
Thanks for the reminder, Marcus. You're thought of here in Chicago every day. Can't wait to get to know all three of you much better in December! You amaze me.
Even when I can't see the sun I do my best to remember that april showers bring may flowers [and what do mayflowers bring???], that every rain has the power to refresh and renew, leaving everything more lush and alive than before.
We're with you in spirit, and in actuality we are out on the street spreading the gospel according to Marcus- to live fully and love completely and always enjoy a good play on words.
It's supposed to snow a mega amount tomorrow- I guess we'll see. But we'll be leaving it behind in less than a month to come see you again. Can't wait.
love you,
alena and wes
Marcus! It's been too long. We miss you, are thinking of you, pulling for you, and love you.
Stacey, Molly, Dorothy, Brad & Brandon
Hey Marcus,
Have fun with that new little Friar Tuck. A kitty to cuddle with sounds perfect or should that be PURR-fect! Loving you here in Arroyo Grande.
Testing testing testing...
Hi everyone,
I love the pictures you have posted from Thanksgiving. Can't wait to see more. How wonderful it is to have such a great family and friends. Marcus, you are a super writer! I didn't know that. All the best with you next chemo round. Visualize that chemo going around and getting rid of all the bad stuff, just like PacMan in that video game.
Positive thoughts and prayers continue from SLO.Love, Elaine
Hi everyone,
I have tried to send a blog about four times and I seem to be having some trouble. I will see how this goes and if it does, I will try again and say more. Just know that positive thoughts and prayers continue from SLO. Love, Elaine
Marcus and Peggy, I think of you both often and pray for your continued strength to fight the big fight! I have enjoyed reading and seeing all the great pictures, especially all the GC family I miss you all. Our family too is fighting this thing called cancer with our 27 year old son. Reading all that you both have written so beautifully has given me such strength! You are amazing!
Keep up the good fight Marcus, you are always in my prayers. Peggy keep on being strong you are really an inspiration!
Paula Hopkinson
Marcus, a quaker friend of mine told me about the white light, I guess it's a Quaker thing. When I was in the hospital, BMT, she sat with me, and we visualized white light around my heart, purifying and healing my body. I am visualizing white light around you. I love you and let's see....Uhh..14 days to lift-off to come swooping in on you (well, after we hit Vegas for a day and night. We'll be good, not too noisy, you can rest and we can relish just being all together again. I miss you all!! love, sister Patty quote Norma: "Testing testing". I like your style, girl! Can't wait to meet you, too:)
Hi Mom and Dad...
FB and I are chilling together, watching Law and Order (don't get scared...) and enjoying a nice big fire. Friar by da fire. I hauled in da wood like you asked. Earning my keep, right? Tomorrow I am with the 1st graders. We miss you... Be strong like you always are tomorrow... LOVE YOU
your roomie,
Dear Marcus...I am a very good friend of PK and Julie' fact, I met you when you came with Paul to fix some things at our Edna Ranch house. I have been following your journey very closely, as Julie has shared it with me from the beginning. I know you are in the midst of a fight and it sounds like you are doing a remarkable job of doing it gracefully. I had a dear friend who fought stage 4 ovarian cancer for 3 years, and all of us around her learned so much from her..she truly became a mentor on how to live fully in the moment, to cherish all the small little pieces of life and to take on each day with optimism and "gusto". She made us become the best we could be while we were with her, and elevated us all to a higher place. I know you are doing that for all those around you, too. Keep up the fight..there's always hope. Wishing you stength, love and ultimate peace...Diane Caldwell
Hey, Marcus-man. Just got caught up on all your blogs. You are an amazing man of love, strength and never-ending humor. We LOVE YOU!!!
We'll see ya for the annual Rotary party at Dave and Judi's!!!
Love, Scott, Lori and Everett
Mandy--where are you when we need you??
Another "patio rattler" looking for a little warmth from the Tucson evening cold tonight! Since I didn't have you all here to help me out, I called the fire department...dull, dull, dull.
Miss you much!
Sitting here thinking about you. Late Friday night, PK and i just hung ornaments, or rather years of memories, on our tree tonight..ones Peg made many years ago, a GC glass beauty from our Christmas with you a couple of years ago, remember? For some reason a song came flying through me. It's one I teach my little guys "All I Really Need" by Raffi. The lines go like this:
All I really need is a song in my heart
Food in my belly and
Love in my family
That's it, isn't it... Basic needs that fill us all. we both love music, love to cook and enjoy dinner times together and we share a wonderful bond of this loving family.How blessed I am to have you, Marcus. Just want you to know I'll be watching the sunrise tomorrow... as I bet you will be, as the sun rises over Navajo Mountain, and for me, up from the mountains near Lopez. You're always in my heart, so may those boosters you got today grow you strong and ready for another day. I have a small but beautiful rock that friends gave me today that has the one word HOPE carved deep in it. That's the word I'll hang onto as I carry it, and you, with me.
I love you,
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