hey thanksgiving is getting here so a big, huge, monsterous, giant THANKS to all of the most helpful loving people in our recent days and nights: cindy and mark greatest hosts to us so far from home and even more thanks for the reptilian recreation, mandy's vertical jump doubled that evening, thanks to whitey and honey for old school kindnesses, bob-oh and laura who know no limits to helping, dan-oh and terry and their taxi service and snake cane, dave b (sorry about the poker game) pete and all his tools,technique and attention to detail, tommy my big water concrete kid, shel and her two childs who keep me jung, davy dob for stilt skills perfecto, coat after coat, smooth, smoother, smoothest and don't take short cuts cuz he's #1 professional and he don't do junk. brandy you work so hard and still get bruised!
another level of thannks for my brothers, hours of driving,flying and helping,,,love you forever chas you're one major motor-fo bro forever,,,harry glad you went home and then got on a plane and damn the nervousness, came out to nowhere land to visit and reconnect with me. thanks, as well to the world's greatest comic and card dealer:harry III. best not forget my live in saints, peg and mandy. got to go, pizza on my lap and wine on the table, bye love marcus
Happy Turkey Day to the bestest Mo-Fo-Bro on this day of Appreciation. Thanks for being there all of those years when having an older bro to learn from and lean on was needed in my life. Yeah, we've got memories to last us a couple of life-times, MoJo; and let's keep em coming. I'm a better guy for having you in my life. Wish I could share your pain, to lessen your load and brighten your day. Thanks again for an awesome weekend and all the laughs. With your wife/daughter bookends, you are in the best of hands to carry-on the journey. Enjoy each sunrise in that special chair in the window - and know that I always sit right beside you. Much love to and from all - And today I mostly THANK God for having you in my life. Harley Charley and Gang
Hey! So glad you're having TDay surrounded by peeps who love you. Sure enjoyed the weekend and meeting more Fuhr Mans. Meeting them gives meaning to the phrase "it runs in the family"...humor, caring, sharing...
Thanks for the BA Billy-Bob ride south. I felt big. Glad the hand off in Flag went well. Wish I could have been there to see Julie, Paul, Wes and finally meet Alena, but so glad you got to see Dave (ALWAYS a good one for making one smile about nothing in particular and everything in general). Enjoy your surroundings, laugh a bunch, and eat large. Hoping to see Mandy-Mae-Moo later this weekend. Perhaps a round or two of frisbee golf?
Love you all,
Have you guys seen the latest article in the Bilge Water Times?
Work Weekend Termed a Success
Big Water, UT – The work weekend at Prophet Marcus’ house was deemed a success - with the spiritual wives’ quarters nearing completion. “Just another quick coat of spackle on those 10 foot ceilings and we’ll be ready for paint” notes Dave, who doubles as a stilt-walker at local birthday parties and annually at the Kane County fair - “The wives are going to love the place.”
Peggy meanwhile – excited for the arrival of wives number two through six – searched the internet for bathroom fixtures, finally settling on an incinerating toilet which allows nearly continuous use. “We’re really going to pack them in – we’re talking at least six or seven” she notes, “that way we will be guaranteed our own planet in heaven.”
When asked how much work got done during the weekend Charlie Fuhrman responded “Tons of projects got done this weekend – off the record, most of it wouldn’t have happened with out me” he says as he shakes another cigarette from the pack – “I noticed right off the bat that these guys really needed some s-u-p-e-r-v-i-s-i-o-n, and that is what I provided.”
“Give me a break” notes Shelly, holding 12-month year old Gracy, “I did more work than that mo-fo; and I’m breastfeeding!”
The two Harrys and Charlie arrived on Saturday night – in the middle of the work weekend and just in time for the poker game. “Thank God we didn’t get here until Saturday night” comments Big Harry “otherwise we would have had to pretend to work for TWO full days.” Looking at the kitchen counter he adds, “Besides, I’m noticing a lot of food products in the kitchen which probably originated from China.” With alarm in his eyes he adds “Has anyone checked where these avocados are from?”
The poker game Saturday night was brutal with Gypsy Tom quickly annihilating the competition. After losing his $10 investment Dave was so distraught that he searched and researched his trunk for nearly 30 minutes. He comments “I thought that I had my shotgun in there somewhere, but all I could find was the inflatable sheep.”
The beer was flowing freely, evidenced by the frequent dinging on the kitchen egg timer. The two dealer-cousins were (on average) both slightly buzzed (although little Harry was completely sober). The deal went back and forth between the cousins, reaching a crescendo when one of the cousins put on a gypsy outfit and danced for the table (to Tom’s delight). Near the end of the night all precepts of civility ended – and one poker player noted, when viewing Little Harry from the back, “Dang, that is one ugly woman.”
Sunday found the Harrys and Charlie working hard to look busy. A close call to actual work occurred when Little Harry mistakenly thought that he could get to his tent through the work apartment. He emerged 30 minutes later with a scowl on his face and his clothing covered in a fine white dust. Charlie took one look at him and said “Looks like someone needs a B-double E-double R- U – N.”
Dan and Pete made short work on the trim – improvising on Marcus’ broken table saw. Said Pete “Does Marcus ever buy anything that wasn’t a display model with issues? Have you seen his stovetop?”
Apparently - which wasn’t obvious until the end of the weekend - Pete and Dan are NOT a couple. Dan and *Terry* however, are married – which is unfortunate for Dan’s political aspirations as Big Water only allows gay mayoral candidates.
Update subsequent to original draft:
On his way home to California, Charlie’s truck apparently experienced mechanical difficulties near Colorado City (proving that vehicles other than Saabs do break down; however generally not as frequently). There are rumors on a popular polygamist blog site (the-more-wives-the-better.com) that Charlie has traded his Harley for three rusting trailers and a 1974 Chevy Suburban. There is also mention of a midnight prophecy which allows that beer and poker are both acceptable pathways to heaven, and he is hard work a self-help book tentatively entitled – “Ride a Harley to Heaven” and a line of line of clothing geared toward young polygamist men which includes t-shirts with catchy phrases such as “Its lunchtime. My wives are in the kitchen, where is yours?” and “My wives can cook, clean, and do the laundry - all at the same time. Can your one wife do that?”
Little Harry,
Couldn't stop laughing at your fabulous article! And yes, I'm still breastfeeding, but at this moment I'm blogging and grading papers. What more could a spiritual husband ask for??? Multitasking is what we do best out here in Polygamistropolis! It was a sheer pleasure meeting Marcusman's relatives, thank goodness there are more wonderful humans like Marcus out in that big blue world!!!
We got home late last night, happy to discover that all our animals were still alive.
It's good to be home but hard to be away from all of you. We miss you guys (all of you) so much already. Hard to believe that the days can pass so quickly. Times like these I really wish that Minneapolis and Big Water were down the street from each other.
I suppose I should unpack (though with another trip in a month I almost ask what's the point?) and maybe buy some groceries. Sure wish we were still with all of you. Glad to hear that Mia will be staying to help out, that's just wonderful.
It was definitely a Thanksgiving trip to remember. I'm thinking of you all every minute (which can be distracting when there's homework that needs doing).
Love you all, can't wait til Christmas,
According to Google Maps we can get from West Sage to Big Water in 6h 25m...and that's assuming (lol) that I would be going the speed limit! A good book on tape and I'm there...once I get World Without End (sequel to Pillars of the Earth) watch out!
And just think: the sinktop is still in the drive and I've got plenty of hammers...glad to bring it along!
Miss you guys--Mark and I send our love.
(btw: tiled over the copper paint. It was YUCK!)
Verbal-Spontaneous Problem...
How many ways can you use the word "fry"? Any variation of the word is legal.
I'm fried, so I'm going home now.
I fried an egg this morning.
Frying pans on Fuhrmans' stove never get cold.
Birds fry south for the winter.
Frydays are good, but Saturdays are better.
Fry-er Tuck...who is that?
Fry me a river.
This is what happens after an abnormal number of hours at work.
Hope your day was good. See you Thursday or Fry-day in Flag.
The perm fried my hair.
The sun fried my skin.
Does anyone want to go to Kentucky Fried Chicken?
Do you want fry rice with that???
You like fry bread?
The hood of the car is so hot you could fry an egg on it. (does that count?)
I think some of you have bats in your belfry.
Hi Brother--
Just wrote an essay about you and, for the hell of it, sent it the NYT. Anyway, all it said was I love you and I'd rather trade places with you (there is the Peggy connection, you realize)and live out my days in Big Water.
BTW, did you hear Harry got stopped for speeding in a school zone in, like, Hurricane UT,and didn't get a ticket? Love you and hope (plan, actually) to come back down and bother you in January. Sending a couple of books your way. Hope you enjoy. Love, H.
P.S.: Harry's post was hillarious. You inspire such love, H.
I am fry-ghtened by TT. Hahaa! I put some new pics up from pre-thanksgiving times...
ATTENTION ALL: Please email me pics from Thanksgiving and you TOO could find your lovely self on the blog.
your humour, from all of you, crumbing my defences and i go to pieces, i'm feeling fragile and friable.
but tt, remember what the french say:
See you soon, gotta go now, my fav jimi hendrix tune about hanging out with monks is cranked up:
"let me stand next to your friar"
nuff for tonite, love, marcus
Calling all Harrys...essay-writing, poker-dealing,prophet-status seeking,those of the "speeding through Utah" variety,as well as all Harrys large and little,
enjoyed reading your comments, but questions have come to mind...
Why, Little Harry Man, were you in such a hurry to get out of Hurricane, UT?
What, Large Harry Man, did you tell you tell the Hurricane (pronunced "HER-a-kin" as opposed to "HIM-a-kin)police officer to get Little Harry Man off the hook?
Just wondering.
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