Travel to Flag tomorrow to resume chemo and active particiaption in my health care/ recovery. Actully it's fairly passive: I sit; they drip. I sleep; they drip/drip. I wake; we visit; they do drip to the third power. I sigh and shuffle out to the truck, listen to songs with Peggy on the way home, and finally sleep. But it is important to rejoin the battle. I want everyone to know, all who wish me well, wish me love, and wish me strength are with me during the harsh, hard hours under this black cloud of cancer, and in those hours, I recall and remember your faces, your hugs and your words and wishes. You lighten up those clouds. In Hawaii, we learned that rain on one side of island, meant sunny on other side! Not forget: the sun will rise again and again and again. like me. like peggy, like my children and family and friends. so many. i'm a lucky man on the sunny island side. love, marcus
hey thanksgiving is getting here so a big, huge, monsterous, giant THANKS to all of the most helpful loving people in our recent days and nights: cindy and mark greatest hosts to us so far from home and even more thanks for the reptilian recreation, mandy's vertical jump doubled that evening, thanks to whitey and honey for old school kindnesses, bob-oh and laura who know no limits to helping, dan-oh and terry and their taxi service and snake cane, dave b (sorry about the poker game) pete and all his tools,technique and attention to detail, tommy my big water concrete kid, shel and her two childs who keep me jung, davy dob for stilt skills perfecto, coat after coat, smooth, smoother, smoothest and don't take short cuts cuz he's #1 professional and he don't do junk. brandy you work so hard and still get bruised! another level of thannks for my brothers, hours of driving,flying and helping,,,love you forever chas you're one major motor-fo bro forever,,,harry glad you went home and then got on a plane and damn the nervousness, came out to nowhere land to visit and reconnect with me. thanks, as well to the world's greatest comic and card dealer:harry III. best not forget my live in saints, peg and mandy. got to go, pizza on my lap and wine on the table, bye love marcus
at some wonderful time in the last century, i used many of the words in the song below. tune is mellow and words are true= will you marry me peggy-o? i like it, six minutes of serinity in a world of constant distraction. also, so many years with a woman of wonder and caring. my own Peggy-O. love is so good...
now, weekend update by Carvin Mygut. had the surgery, 7 days later it still was the pits, hoses all over/under/up/in my body, ga-ga drugs and too many needles. surgery was half ok=got my new plumbing fixtures which had to happen, half not ok, bladder stayed put, too much cancer round and bout it. so we go to ANOTHER option. radiation therapy. seems like they can zap the blad from without,without it out! that's "three outs" in one sentence, pretty cool huh? hey, bladder, bladder, ok, i'll stop, but the game continues. i am and i know peg and our kids are also, so touched and tendered by your words of love, support and caring.
Feeling much better tonite, had pizza and soup and eggs today, no, not on one plate. wonderful people have helped and special thanx to my loving, doting children, mandy the mistress of makeup, wes the best head bonker i've ever known, alena for constant care and instant info resource, and others, where do i begin? with cindy and mark for ultra accommadations, bob and laura for in house support, dan and terry-0 for the same, shelly and tom for keeping it green and Johna and Mel for helping clean, jim-bo and vicki for his drive bys, dix and patty for continued heartland connections, all the builders,rock stars and dirt devils from the makeover weekend, renae & davie dob for "what the heck are you trying to do here fuhrman" efforts, Brandi for mail call, Keith and Nancy for diesel dollars, canyon folks for the pot lucks and stayovers, and to all my familyphonecalls:awesome see you soon. thanks also to Billy B for the tune. I do love my Peggy O. all for now, time for more food for rebuilding and bulking up for WWF.
love to all, marcus (ps: if you feel left out, you're not, i'm just not perfect with memory)