Friday, June 8, 2007

hey it's friday-9:00 and we're out-a-here. here being U of I hosptials and friends and family who care for us,Patty, Dix, Steve, Mary, Mike, Wes, Alena who fed us, gave shelter from storms, and made innumberable assists, phones and words of encouragement. Peg's favoirte billy-bob big-ass truck is ready to roll and we hope to sleep in nebraska tonite, (that's a hope?)
Ok, now an update on my body - saw our numero uno surgeon yesterday after a very tender bit of backside testing on wednesday, high tech magnetic coils and mri and crazy electronics, making pix of my all body parts. found some cancer is just outside the bladder, not so cool, and before he operates he wants chemo to shrink the tumor back to bladder borders. so, we/i have a series of three chemos to drink off b-4 the surgery. peg and i will drive back to beautiful downtown big water this weekend and consult with the chemo-chiefs in flagstaff and then in a week or two begin sucking up the fancy's a three week set, repeated three times. then within a month of finishing we have the operation. Ok. we can handle that.peggy is simply an absolute best bud to have beside me. i love how we both can catch our breath and then move on to the next step available/suggested. Immortality is so complicated, think i'll have to write a book, call it the bible acccording to marcus of big water. i will fill it with platitudes and postitive attitudes and ideas on how to love a life worth living. so far,peg and i have done that. somewhere in the schedule we'll fly back to minn/landofbuzzingbitingbugs/ and enjoy and bask in the love that wes and alena are committing to with their wedding...that's about alllllllllllllll folks.
love and hugs and smiles and deep breaths...all it takes to keep on keeping...


ps-we have rejoined the electronic age: cell phones me-319-899-2474....peg- 319-899-1637
give ring we'll try to answer...i have mine set to vibrate and may, for reasons of pleasure, allow it to ring a bit longer..........HA


Lori said...

It's so great to read your creative and positive thoughts, Marcus. You are GETTING BETTER ALL THE TIME!!! I'm so happy you have Peggy. You guys are both wonderful. WE hope to get up there to help with stuff the last week in June!
We're off to Flag for the usual-eye appt. and grocery shopping.
Everett loves his rice cereal!!
Love, Lori, Scott and Everett

Unknown said...

Just got off the phone with ya & happy (FEET), to know you're heading back home (WARD BOUND)..Get that Dodge into 6th Gear and "hit them gates @ 98 and let that trucker roll"... Keepin' the spirits HIGH out here in Cali and hoping the Big Water Duo is doing the same... (CALIFORNIA)Dreaming of bass and being on Lake Powell in the (WAITING FOR THE) sun - on a Sunday...
Bro & Family:
Harley Charley

Alena said...

I would like to say for the record that the bugs are WAY WORSE in Iowa than MN this year. There are hardly any. So all of you folks who are Minnesota Bound this summer don't have to worry about that too much!

Marcus, we're bummin' that there's yet another roadblock on the way out of cancerville but we're following your cues and staying positive. Can't wait for July to see you again!

Big Love to Big Water from us!

Mandy said...

Yessssssssss glad you will be able to relax (somewhat) and enjoy your garden this summer after all. And Mad Man will take good care of you I know it. I like the book idea, New York Times Bestsellah here we come. Call me tonight!
xoxo Mandy

emwarn said...

Our love to you. I love how chipper you remain in spite of the curve balls life keeps tossing you. Lars is getting better every day. We are off to see Alaska, going on a cruise to celebrate Zach's 21st, the four of us will be bunking together as we meander through the fijords. We thought we would try to see them before they all melt. We had snow a few days ago and I hope it did away with the mosquitos!

Annie Phillips said...

Hey you guys,
We are thinking of you a great deal, and are sending lots of positive canyon thoughts your way. We are glad you had a splendid trip out that way! We are bummed that you have to go the extra mile with chemo, but know your body is strong. Even though health can crumble any moment, it is amazing how resilent the human body is! Keep up the positive spirit. It really does make a difference. I am hoping I actually get this to send this time! I am a tecno flunky, but our wonderful kids are way too cool and have hopefully educated me. I am off on the river tomorrow! I will be basking in the beauty of the canyon, and will think of you. Please call Ken if you want to use the house! His number is 638-9542, or work is 638-7792. Everyone is at the canyon for a week, and you will have the house to yourself. (It may not be clean tho'!) If you can't reach Ken, call Chloe at 928-606-4915.

Much love and Aloha to you all. I hoped to catch you via phone but didn't get through. Peggy, I hope you got the message and it did not confuse you more about the docs. Melanie Pergiel is also a good person to call on knowledge this way having been there: 638-1947.

-Annie, Ken, Chloe and Connor (and Koa...)

Talker Family said...

Hey Fuhhhrrry Man! I heard that the nasty junk is in your fat. I have a question, why can't they liposuction that ickiness outta there? I have heard it's all the rage for Californians (even former natives)! Well, all joking aside we can't wait to have you back here in Northern AZ. We're sending a glowing encasement of love and happiness (like a big shiny bubble)surrounding your big ass billy bob truck in order to get you back here safely and quickly. We will carry on the mission that your family started back in IA and MN by filling you with tons of calories from many delicious dishes to come. Maddox has buzzed his hair for the summer and has a head start on the baldy look, so Tom's next on the list! Ha!

Love to you both, Shell, Tom, Mad, and Gracie

Unknown said...

Marcus and Peggio,

Mary and I were talking on the phone about how, for purely selfish reasons, we wish you were staying in Iowa for your treatments. Sob! We love you very much and always sending the good mojo to kick a little cancer %*#@()%. Hey. Remember the upside of chemo cocktail is you don't have to shave. Anywhere!

If you need anything, lemmings want to know. I've just mailed in for my AARP membership; gettum cheap flight to C U in Utah.

love and hugs,
Sistahs Pattyo and Merry Mary

Unknown said...

Marcus and Peggio,

Mary and I were talking on the phone about how, for purely selfish reasons, we wish you were staying in Iowa for your treatments. Sob! We love you very much and always sending the good mojo to kick a little cancer %*#@()%. Hey. Remember the upside of chemo cocktail is you don't have to shave. Anywhere!

If you need anything, lemmings want to know. I've just mailed in for my AARP membership; gettum cheap flight to C U in Utah.

love and hugs,
Sistahs Pattyo and Merry Mary

Coach W said...

WGI kids dedicated a tune to your recovery at the local Relay for Life; it was a sweet and thoughtful version of a tune they have done many times - reminded me of your spirit.

Thinking of you...cue music here... in the Halls of Shangri-la (subtitute PHS:)

leeann said...

Hey Marcus & Peg,
It's been a long time my dear old friends! Sorry to hear of this not- so-fun journey you're beginning. As I've been reading the comments here, it's impossible not to feel the love in all your family & friends & with that love & support from near & far, I'm sure you'll get through this. As always, I'm inspired by both of you guys...your ability to still find things to smile about right now & to reach out & make us all laugh & smile too.
Didn't know you were back here in Iowa til you were headed home. You could have stayed at the Painted Lady. She's sitting empty right now & will be back on the auction block before too long (i moved to Boone- long story for another time).
U of I is a good place to be- lots of wonderful doctors. (Caitlin will be starting school there in the fall - i feel old!) Hang in there and thanks for sharing what you're going through. Sending heaps of love & strength & healing your way...
LeeAnn Weaver

jordansmama05 said...

I know this blog is from a while back, but after reading it, it takes me back to the 9th and 10th grade when Mr. Fuhrman was my teacher. The part in the P.S. is so totally the Mr. Fuhrman I remember.. RIP Mr. Fuhrman.. forever loved and missed!!!

jordansmama05 said...

I know this blog is from a while back, but after reading it, it takes me back to the 9th and 10th grade when Mr. Fuhrman was my teacher. The part in the P.S. is so totally the Mr. Fuhrman I remember.. RIP Mr. Fuhrman.. forever loved and missed!!!