back a week ago gone, terry and dan-dah-man babysat me and me woman, sat, hot-tubbed, sold the camper, loved our gardens and plants, and went to the canyon on thursday for poker, of course i won, and then to flag to see chemo-guy, begin that therarpy this friday, gave em some blood and then on to the freeway and surprize Mandy! what a meltdown that mornng,kisses & hugs and holding my daughter and her mom made a fabo-fav father's day feeling. i kept on arm open for tanner, but he'll fill that grasp next month in mini-soda. graduation was fun, long time in chairs, sunny, ocean side, so many young people going out into the real world, good luck. typical , mandy mae party, costumes and craziness, good food and hey who made the sangria? thx to hummer who plays for love of music and family, thx to j&p for helping mandy in sooooooo many ways and times. thx to to great-grand canyon crowd who care enough to help me through the coping, grief and daily details. thx to bigwater-neightbors for keeping it green and clean. Jim you ought to open a quick-lube! sheri and russ, can still taste the flavor of s/w chicken and sausage.
so. what next?
we spend today, mon here on the coast and then off to vegas, norms's and home wed. will be in flag for thursday - friday as i accept my magic potion/poison that can start killing the bad side of marcus, hell, couldn't kill the good side with all the WMD 's that don't exist except in the small reptilillan brain of a small man from texas. prob. stay in flag, fri and then home for sun and recoup/relax/recover for a week. that is up to date, here and now, and nuff to write cuz i'm going shopping for wesley's wedding - clothes and and shoes and maybe a wig? love to all, marcus and peggy.
It was so nice to see you at Terry's! We all love you so much. Even Everett who is still getting used to silly Uncle Marcus! He just got over a fever and is doing much better-back to his old smiley self.
I bet Mandy would love to hookup and party with my sister! She loves the dress up party scene in San Francisco!
We'll be in Flag Thursday so maybe we can c u to give you some love B 4 you go in.
All our Love-the Rommels
My dear loving fam,
I'll call you tonight when I get home from work. I miss you so much, wish you were here, wish I was there, (all of above)!! I heard about the partee, and Mary and I kick ourselves for not being there. I've not many ops to look good in lampshade. But we'll partee in Minnesota.
love and hugs,
Patty iowa
Somehow; I knew you two would make Mandy's Grad Nite.. That really was all she wanted: See Mom/Dad out in that sea of Smiling Parental Faces...Kiddyless weekend for Mary & Self: They to the Inlaws: We to the Blues Fest to see favorite(after Marcus, of course)Buddy-Buddy Guy..Too much Fun on the River.. Will hookup this week and get caught-up on the latest... Love ya;Miss ya and always thinking of ya: Charley & Mary
Do we ever wish we could've been there! Good to hear it was all smiles, sillyness, and sangria (yum).
Happy belated father's day to all the dads out there- I was a teenage girl once so I know what you guys have to go through.
Countin' down the days til we can see you again. We miss you so much that the heart pangs of distance have become routine. But not for long!
Til later, love you guys, hugs to norma!
Markie Baby,
Sorry we keep missing you. Just got back from a week in Ohio (floral show) Picked up Mary's car and Neeve & I drove back to CO. To much fun, spending 2 days with my baby, scared to death she going to hit something instead a Simi almost runs her off the road. She's learning.
Glad to hear you made it to Mandy's big gig. Tell her we send our congrats. Ali's waiting down south for her.
Rest up when you get home you're going to need your strenght.
Are you coming back though CO? Sounds like your flying back, would love to have you back for one more visit to Buddha Ranch. A little Krama goes a long way.
Keep up the possitive thoughts.
Love to all.
Marcus, It's now Thursday evening and my heart is with you as you do your full day tomorrow getting better all the time. Visualize that drug killing off the cancer and all the yucky stuff in side of you. You are an amazing man with so much heart and strength and determination along with all those who love you by your side, we'll beat this cancer and see you getting better. PK and I loved our time with you, days spent in the arms of family...nothing beats that. So, plug in and think of all you love.
I love you so much!!! Jules
Congratulations for your graduation. Have fun in South America!!!
Uncle Marcus!!!
I wish you the best on your medical treatment, be strong!!! and do not ever give up. My sister Lina is a living example of that, and if she was able to overcome it, I'm sure you will too. I'm sending you all my good energy!!!!
Love and hugs,
Harvey Ararat-Ospina
Hey, Marcus...
It's finally come to your day to fight back at this cancer. You've traveled 4 thousand miles and been with family and friends and now...the day comes to fight that cancer head on. You can do it, bro.
I still vote for Iowa as your best place for all the follow up treatments. No more consultations for you now.
Love you,
What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies. -- Aristotle
Well My big Brother, being the rolling stone you are, you have gathered half a lifetime of friends and loved ones. And now, we all be a dwelling within you.(...and it be a bit crowded!) Please use our love and prayers as added layer of support and faith in your treatment. Know that I carry you within me as well, , and that you have given me so much. I love you.
Today we: KCA....(Kick Cancer Ass)... You with the tube in ya; and all the rest of us, firmly entrenched in your heart: loving, hoping, dreading and preparing to do battle and emerge through the other side to a long,happy and healthy life. My MOJO is with you today and I too feel the pain. Be strong Big Brother: Harley Charley Mary & Kids
Friday seems like as good a day as any to start evicting that cancer from yo' bladd-uh.
Good riddance to bad rubbish, that's what I always say.
Wish we could be there to give you hugs but we are sending you the warmest, big-bearest, arms out-stretchingest, lovingest air hugs of all time until we can do it for real.
We love you guys.
Just remember, good riddance to bad rubbish,
Happy Saturday, Marcus and Peg. Hope your are back at the big lake and relaxing after your "fill up" yesterday to rid you of this cancer. I'm up at Pozo with 11 wonderful girlfriends(Pk and Foster are having a bonding bachelor weekend) and sending you all my energy to stay strong and fight the fight. Remember you are truly loved by us all. Just wanted you to know you are in my heart.
Your Big Sis,
loving you to wellness and a better night, Marcus. Remember to keep your eyes on that chemo cocktail killing off the junk inside of you. You're in my heart.
Loving you from CA,
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