Monday, June 11, 2007

Gee, it's good to be back home...

monday, 6-11...drove in last nite from central colorado, big o' truck screaming past tourists and trees, hell-bent on parking in our piece of the planet. one unexpected bonus was the low price for fuel thru out the midwest so someone cut the farmers a break, and that's all right with us. Trip from Iowa to Colorado is, how do you say? boring. BORE-ING BORING. i remember now why Doro-athy was glad to see a tornado. henny ways, we ARE glad to be here with our plants, hot tub and later tonite, mad-man-maddox. terry and dano arrrived a littLE earlier than us, bearing food, drink and good vibes. this thing about friends and family is more true than any thought that has ever blinked in Dub-ya's brain. And the notes everyone is posting fill us with laughter and lightness and love. will see the chem-oh dr.s on friday and then begin draining the toxin toward my turmors next week. and i can't wait...or so i say today. i'm learning how directly expericence revises first thoughts. this is a week of catch up on sleep, gardening, and chores around the dusty homestead. will prob. put the tolly back in the lake as well, and pull the camper off the truck. keep the notes and notations coming, and thanks to all who care about us.


Mandy said...

Cool, glad you made it back to the big land of little water. I'm writing the first of my last two papers eva as an undergrad! This one's on cloning and I wish I could implement the technology right now to get started on the second paper on violence. Then I could use the violent knowledge to kill the clone, and I'd be right back where I started but with the papers done! Glad you are home and with friends... can't wait to see you & mom!!!!

Jules said...

Hi Marcus and Peg,
So glad to hear you are back at su casa. It's so nice to feel the comfort of your home and your own life surrounding you after these hard weeks of travel.Your letters are heartwarming and funny, to say the you always are. You know of course, that your humor gets me smiling but makes me miss you even more. Our love from California goes across the miles to you both. Oh, Mandy showed us photos of your gardens!!!! So beautiful. We'll just have to get back there to see you and the revisions to the ole homestead.Love you and keeping you in our hearts.

Alena said...

Glad you're home safe and sound. I've been workin' my butt off lately so I haven't talked to you in what feels like an eternity- definitely miss you guys.

I'm definitely READY for the wedding to be here so that lots of people can be in one spot and give a bunch of hugs. Wish we were flying to Vegas tomorrow as was the plan to see you guys, and Julie/Paul, and to see Mandy Mae graduate-oh well. (there goes mah tail again...says Eeyore). Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Let us know what the chemo plan is. We're anxious to know. Can't wait to see you again.

Love and bear hugs from MN,

Peggy said...

Feels good to be home! Shelly and Tom, Jim, and John (friends and neighbors)and Dan and Terry from Grand Canyon, made our return most pleasant. The garden is beautiful and the kitchen was stocked. Marcus enjoyed a hot tub with his little buddy, Maddox, and our other little friend, 4 month old Gracie, was full of surprises. Today we learned how to use our new cell phones from Brandy - I'm thinking she's forgiven Marcus for busting her for having her phone on at school last year. We're off to Grand Canyon on Thursday so Marcus can play poker with his buddies and then Flag for chemo consultation Friday and chemo next week.
OPT (Only Positive Thoughts!) Peggy

Alec - Life is Good said...

More smile and Love to y'all :)

Yesterday at the G-8 Summit Russian President Vladimir Putin offered to let President Bush build a missile defense system in Azerbaijan. There was an awkward moment when Bush said, "I believe the correct pronunciation is ‘abra cadabra.’”

Lori said...

So glad you are back. I can't wait to c u on Thurday-we have family in town, too!
You sound so upbeat and I just love to read your writing-you English teacher you!
See you soon!
Love, Lori

norma arnold said...

Hi there, and welcome home. I am glad to hear you are back at your hacienda safe and sound. You sound great and I love reading all your posts. I hope I can come over to visit soon because I miss you. Lots of Hugs to you. Normie
Hi Wes, Alena and Mandy!!!

Em said...

Glad you are home and surrounded by that big lake. They were talking about your neck of the desert on NPR today, made me miss you more.
We will find a way to come visit; my guys all like to fish.
Our big water boat float trip is coming up, only two more days...

Sheri said...

Hey Kid,
I wrote this long thing the other night, but when it came time to creating the account, I guess my brain cells were snapping shut at a rapid rate. So here I am trying one more time.

It took Juie a while to tell me what was going on with you, Marcus. This is pretty rough on your big sis. You can never have too many good vibes coming your way and I send really GOOD vibes, so wanted you to know that. Do you feel them yet?

Russ and I are going to Santa Barbara Saturday to see Mandy graduate. Can't wait to see her. It's been way too long. We had planned on crashing if she didn't invite us. I think Juls didn't trust Uncle Paul to BBQ so we will put Russ on it.

Loved the photo of your "back yard". We were in the Grand Canyon in April visiting friends. Saw the school where you guys taught. Wish the timing had been better and we could have connected there. Would have been fun.

We are thinking of you both, and hope that cocktail is the best.

Mountains of Love,
Russ and Sheri

Melanie Ann said...

Very glad to hear that you're back home!!

Not so glad to hear about the chemo. *tsks*

I, too, am back home. I never thought the Rocky Mountains could be more beautiful than they were when I last saw them, but oh how surprises are around every corner, aren't they?

Colorado is amazing. Home is where the heart is.

Here's to the long-awaited trip back home for the both of us.

Thinking about y'all.

PS: "Dub-ya" - - made me laugh very hard. Don't forget to instill those thoughts in the molds of the minds you form so well next year.

~ Mello ~

Paula said...

Hello, Marcus and Peggy it sure has been a while. Just wanted to let you know that you both have been in my prayers and thoughts since Shelly told me. I have enjoyed every minute of this blog...what an awesome family and great friends you have! Love the pics too.
If you need a place to stay in Flagstaff please give us a call!
Colin graduated 2 weeks ago and will be off to ASU before we know it.
Children leave, and a chapter closes-not a mere chapter: a volume thuds to a weighty close. Can you tell I'm not handling the "empty nest" thing very well?

We would enjoy your company, you are welcome any time!

My prayers are with you and positive thoughts are flying your way.
Paula (Hopkinson)


Unknown said...

Hey Bro:

Happy Father's Day --

From one old Dad to one Older Dad... Make it a Great One... You're in my thoughts always...
Younger Bro: Charley

Talker Family said...

Hey guys! Surprise to you Mandy Mae Martinez!!!Happy Graduation in Cali! I would've loved to have seen the look on your face when your Maw and Paw showed up at your grad - e - a - shun. Now...that was a hard secret for me to keep. I kept thinking I was going to end up talking with you and leaking out the news! Happy Graduation Day and Happy Father's Day Marcus Man! Got the postcard w/ the lizard on it and Maddox told me that HE was the lizard that shared moths and flies on a cream cheese bagel with you at the motel! ha!

Love yas, Shell, Tom, Mad, and Gracie

Alec - Life is Good said...

So nice to join with you and Peg in the jubilation and happiness for Mandy as she Graduated. The Petaluma 5 are so proud of her, good on you Manders ! PS: Happy Fathers day, Bro!

Now a laugh. . .
Congress Hires Illegal Immigrants to Write Immigration Bill *
Lawmakers Cite Cost Savings

In an attempt to break the nagging logjam over immigration, congressional leaders announced today that they were hiring illegal immigrants to write the nation’s new immigration bill.

While some observers criticized the decision to employ illegals to draft the very bill that would regulate themselves, Sen. John Kyl (R-Arizona) said that the move was a “win-win” for the American people.

“No one understands the thorny issue of immigration better than the people who have been sneaking into our country,” Mr. Kyl said. “Plus, these folks work cheap.”