Wednesday, February 27, 2008

here comes chemo

Sunrise is 30 min away and the sky is clear of any cloud, mist, fog or streaks. Wish I felt the same as this sunrise appears, however clouds of mine include fog of the future and streaks of occasional discomfort and pain. But hey, meds are working fairly well, and my body is working fairly well, so is that a fair deal?
Either way the sky is open to warmer weather as am I, and the good stuff is still coming our way. Good stuff = great friends and family.
Three, count 'em, three benefits are planned, first a major Iowa (in Cedar Rapids) benefit thanks to our loving family and friends kind enough to remember us from the dozen years of midwest living spent in Webster City. WCCT, you're the best as are Patty, Mary, Mike, Sue and Ed and the others creating the benefit. Peg and I thank you and love you, long distance.
At the Canyon, benefit number two is two weeks away, music, food, drink and a good deal of laughter are all on the menu. Can't begin to thank = yes i can, Annie, Bob, Laura, Dan-oh, Terry, Kay, Coolie Son, Tom, Shelly, the Exit 64 band boys, and all who are donating to the silent auction, and greatest thanks to whomever designed and built the Grand Canyon. An exquiste place to find friends and affection.
Benefit number three is to take place March 13, a spag dinner at Page Middle School, a benefit prompted by all those who care for us here = Robin, Roxie, Michelle (JK), Lake View, I think some of my former students, and others we don't even know about yet. Good things come in three's, and I feel lucky despite the lousy disease inside, because right inside beside it is love and sharing and kindest consideration for Peggy and me. I know Paula, Dana, and Teona help Peggy through her melt downs and Carol gets her where she needs to be even when she forgets. Thanks and hugs to each of you from each of us.
Back to daylight, nearly sun up and today I plan to work on my boat, pay bills, clean house chop woods,and...well, ok, at least work on the boat while my energy lasts, priorities do count. Later, we leave for Flagstaff and chemo Thursday, which if my blood counts are too low I also get my first blood transfusion. New blood? Sounds strange but they say I'll feel like a new man, transformed, maybe into a young Arnold, yeah sure all pumped up and ready for Spring ,three benefits and lots of company. tonight we dine at Kelso's in Flag with Annie and Connor - a great way to end the day.
That's our update and now the sun is on the edge of our desert and the day looks and feels promising. Promise yourself to make the most of it; I surely intend to.
Love and laughter, marcus


Alena said...

I'll leave the first comment. Not to say a whole lot besides love you and think of you daily? hourly? minutely?

school is gearing up and winding down all at the same time. Wes and I are dreaming of moving to warmer climes. someday.

love you guys,

Bob said...

In other beneficial news - rehearsals have begun for the debut of a new melodrama, set to have its world premier here at GC on April 19th. All proceeds will go to support the Fabulous Fuhrman Family.

We all think of you all often and look forward to seeing you all soon.


Sue said...

The daylight is finally around when I get up in the mornings and when I come home at night. I am thankful for the little things. We daily are thankful for the many family and friends who surround you and Peggy.
Ed is probably at home sitting in his new leather chair, an anniversary gift that I thought he could use more than a cruise!
Joe was home over the weekend. He is loving college and as his facial hair gets longer and the philosophical discussions do too, I realize what a great time in our lives college is...and I was much younger and thinner, too!
We are anxious for the CR benefit. We will arrive on Saturday morning in CR and plan to stay for a family feast together after the music ends, and the chairs are put away. All is good here, with a hint of spring and the hope of the sunrises.
Love you lots,

Abby said...

Happy Sunny day from I-o-way!

Boy, is it good to see the sun shining in the west window right now. For some reason, everything seems better when the sun's shining. But you already know that, don't you?:) Guess those who know me as the night owl I am may find it funny that I'm worshipping Ra right now. But even the moon can not live without the sun.

My name has been referenced a couple times of late so I decided it was time I got my fanny on board the Love Express & sent some good e-vibes down the track your way. This is my first blog experience. I feel like bursting into a Madonna tune..."Like a blogger...bloggin for the very first time..."

Sorry. ;)

OK, all corn aside Mr. Marcus--you, Peggy (I will forever think of you as Mrs. Fuhrman first, & Peggy second) & your fam are in my thoughts often. Keep up the great blogs. I've been living beautiful sunrises through you. In the meantime I'll ask Mr. Moon to look over you all at night.


Jules said...

Hey, Marcusman,
Too late to call, so I'll leave you something to read in the morning. Hopefully sun today in Flag, though it doesn't get much prettier than that snowfall last week. Loved it!!!
I'll be with you sitting this morning on that little stool in the I-Room (even though I'll have a classroom of children in front of me), I'll be with you and Peg in my thoughts and heart. Hold strong, brother of mine, and remember sunrises bring us beauty and light. So do you.
Hugs and more,

Unknown said...


It's true...we're watching the same sun come up. Our skies are blue and pink with cold clouds. Sometimes we're all so far away from each other, I forget that.

What Alena said!

Another check came into the bank yesterday. I know of others, which will be on the way with cards and prayers. With all these benefits planned, I hope you, Peg loving sister and wife, can stay home with Marcus. It's a righteously good goal!

Must get to work. Must clean house for fam next Thursday. Pray for clear skies...

EDAG, we love you!!

Patty Sistah

Kolleen said...

Hi Marcus,
(& Peggy!)
A long time ago, when I lived in the south, I had a friend who wanted me to bring back some snow to share...and Iowa had a winter not quite so bad, but had lots of snow. So I took a clean new igloo cooler and filled it to the rim with fresh white stuff as it came down and carried it back in my trunk. When I got there, it ws mostly wet, with some snow still left, so I threw it in the freezer salvaging one or two snowballs which we threw around for a few seconds before they melted. And then we used the remaining "snow" to make iced drinks by the fire.
This is one of the years I think you could carry back hunks of Iowa! I bet there are at least 3 inches of ice on my sidewalk, and who knows how deep the ice is in my yard. I wish I could iceskate, because THAT is the safest way to my garage!
I had little kittens in the fall who have grown up into fluff-balls now who run and leap onto the ice and skid across without fear. They are so close to the grown, it doesn't faze them! They seem happy even in the frozen cold. They are great survivors, climbing up 30 feet into the tree tops and staring down at the world.
I want to send snowballs to Marcus...full of Iowa perseverance, strength and love. We know you are surrounded with all the above, but there cannot be enough.
I know you are in the thoughts and prayers of many, many people who love you guys. Take the energy and use it to build you up and to share!

Emily said...

Great to talk to you yesterday before they started extracting your blood for test purposes. Transfusion? Hope all is going well. Spoke to Jules this am and it was fun to hear her speak of her first "big flake" snowfall experience, I had no idea this was a first for her. We would love to send some of our big flakes elsewhere.
Steve has never been to the canyon or that part of the world, I told him a trip on 10 through Gallup counts for something, but not that. We are so looking forward to our visit over our Spring Break. Lars has seen pics of himself at the canyon but does not remember his trip there at age 2. Lars is getting betterm he spent one full day back at high school and starts physical therapy tomorrow. We send our love,
Sista em

sankrum said...


I haven't been around here lately, but you've been in my thoughts. I share you with everyone I know. You, Peggy, all of your family . . . you're remarkable (worth remarking about).

I sometimes remember this Rumi when I sit at sunrise (not often here in Chicago lately, but enough). I don't think I've sent it to you before (although I did to Peggy), and--if I did--it's worth repeating. Rumi may be trendy, but he's also good.

"Today, like every other day,
we wake up empty and scared.
Don't open the door to
the study and begin to read.
Take down the dulcimer.
Let the beauty we love be
what we do.
There are hundreds of ways
to kneel and kiss the ground."

Can't wait to see Peggy and the other sisters next week. Denny and I will come to Utah in the spring.

Much love,


-=wtf=- said...


Today I got my test from calculus back, 96%. My error? At some point in copying an equation, I turned a two into a three. Strange how things can change without your permission. The only higher grade was from a student I was helping before class. Anyway, things are going very well here, I feel like I'm just breaking in my brain (like that engine in BABBs). Beware, world, your secrets are not safe! I love you mucho mucho y mucho mas and I can't wait to see you again.

sonny boy wtf

Ali said...

You are such an inspiration. I love to picture in my mind, what you so smoothly discribe with your words.

I find it calming to come here when I worry about my Joe. Thank you for this.


Mandy said...

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! No time to write RIGHT now, but I will email more to your gmail tomorrow, or call. Cause you know, international calls ain´t no thang. Still loving it, still loving you. Bring my computer to Flag next week so I can show you pics while we´re (you´re) in treatment. I promise you very special treatment. Miss you both!
love Mandy
PS I am REALLY excited about the benefit. Also, I am going to bring home some water from the ceremonial Inca baths and douse you with it. Ready? xoxo

Unknown said...

Hi Marcus and Peggy, Wes and Alina and all the Fuhrmans. I miss you all and think of you often. My days are busy with all my various jobs plus my real job. Every morning on the way to work I think of you Marcus and that makes me to remember to look at the sky and enjoy the light from above. This morning there were actually clouds everywhere and it looked like the sky was covered with sheep's wool. It was in the 70's here today and that was great, though the kids have all gone wild. Mandy, I can't wait to hear about your trip. I am so so sorry I can't make the benefit at the canyon but my thoughts and money will be there, and my love. I have an all day class this Saturday and next Saturday and then I will be gone for Spring Break but hope I can come see you soon after that. I hope you will be able to stay here and enjoy my house on your way to Death Valley. You know my door is always open, to those who have the key-Ha-You know what I mean. My class is abou the Mojave Desert and is out at Lake Mead so I think it will be an enjoyable day. Hang in there Marcus. I love you, Normie

Alena said...

Here's the quote of the day:
"Courage, my friends, 'tis not too late to build a better world."

Tommy Douglas

Peggy and Ankrums- I'll see you next weekend!
Others- I'll see you after that.


Mandy said...

Hey, even here in Ollantaytambo: sometimes you´re the windshield, sometimes you´re the bug... just heard it, mark K. is alive and well in the Andes. And so is my love for you! Windshield or bug, no mi importa, te amo!!!! Happy happy anniversary tomorrow! I will be at MP, finally, and always thinking of you.

Jules said...

HAPPY, HAPPY 28 years !!! Remembering that fun wedding day at the Inn at Death Valley. The whole Fuhrman clan even Heather and Jason...and you two riding off into the sunset together. A wonderful memory. 2 wedding dresses being made weeks before in Shell Beach, so Mark wouldn't see the real one. Staying at the ranch for the whole weekend. Cowboy hats, boots and western garb. Wedding vows under the palm trees. Remember dancing up at the Inn till the music ended???...we'll be dancin' again but this time at that GRAND and beautiful Canyon.
Love you both and love the niece and nephew you gave us,

Unknown said...



Twenty Eight

Ryherd said...

Marcus and Peggy,
A belated Happy Wedding Anniversary according to reading your blog!! May your love continue to grow and your memories live stong in your hearts of the past years together. March 1st was celebrated here with Jan's 13th birthday. Her first with no brothers here to "mess-up" her day.(Mark is in Iowa City, Lee in Argentina and Grant is in Belgium) But it also made for a quieter celebration.Dan won the Chinese Checkers game, Jan won Battleship and I won the game of the States.
Thawing temperatures for the weekend! Even the cat stayed outside overnight for the first time in months. She is starting to shead, a sure sign of warmer things to come. Two deer were outside the bedroom window this morning still looking for nurishment. It should be soon that green shouts will be found. The Boone River will probably thaw this month and we will witness the spring floods from out decks. The cracking and pushing will show the force of nature and again do spring cleaning along the banks.

Stay strong through your newest treatment. We will try to journey to Cedar Rapids to see you Peggy on Saturday. Donna

Mary said...

I'm thinking about you and I'm sending some positive vibes...

Here is some Shakespeare humor to brighten your day:

On his way to Wyoming to visit with Grandma, Billy spotted a bow-legged cowboy. "Look at dat dare bowlegged cowboy. I ain’t never seen nuttin’ like dat no how."

Grandma was shocked and made Billy read Shakespeare every day for a month. On the way home he saw a whole bunch of bowlegged cowboys. Says Billy, "Behold! What manner of men are these, who wear their legs in parentheses?"

Talk to you soon,
Mary Stahl

Sue said...

Back to the deep freeze this morning, in the single digits above and below zero. Crap! I am sick of it...that's enough of complaining. The sun is shining today and we had a great weekend. The Club Formerly Known as Book had our Christmas party. If you don't know the story, my three best friends and I started a book club about 10 years ago, for a few years we were the traditional book club, read a book, discuss the book. Then as our lives got busier, we dropped the book, kept the gin and tonics, and got together for "The Club Formerly Known as Book." We give each other the best presents, this year we got a charm for our official charm bracelet, a bird house made by a MN beaver, a mona lisa necklace, and a Celtic circle necklace...we get together with spouses also, but have quit playing games (with the exception of New year's Eve) since the Johnsons are an extremely competitive clan and the spouses were winning too much.
Now for an Ole and Lena joke.
Ole had for years been threatening to settle the score with his arch enemy, Clarence. Lena was sick of hearing about and told him to cross the river bridge to Clarence's place and finish it for once and for all. Ole said, " You're right, Lena, off I go and I will come back for a grand Lutefisk dinner when I am done." Lena began working on preparing the dinner, and minutes later Ole returned. "Ole," Lena said, "what are you doing back so soon?"
"Well," Ole said, "I got to the bridge and above it was a sign that said, 'Clarence- 13 feet 4 inches' and I decide he was too big for me to handle!"
Sorry, it is funnier when Ed tells it in his Norweigan accent.
Love you lots and Peggy see you this weekend. Hope you liked the English Major CD only those crazy enough to be one truly understand.

Mandy said...

Hello again... time for some photo updates on this blog! I am back in Lima, in Barranco which is just south of the city. The taxi ride from the airport here was pure hell, not sure which was worse, today´s ride or the ride through the jungle going to Sayulita. My back hurts from the weight of my backpack, but not to worry it is full of fun treasures for all! Bring my computer to Flagstaff if you remember so I can show you all my pics! Love you and see you soon!!

Unknown said...

Hmmm, my last post didn't "post". Was it something I wrote?

Marcus, Peg, good morning, dear family. Pray for clear skies for the rest of this week. Marcus, we will miss you this weekend. But we're holding you close. So many people, things are coming together to make this fund raiser happen. Peg, several people from Webster City, Eagle Grove also, I think, are coming to the concert. Paul and Tammy Hess are helping, too.

See you on Thursday, Peggy...


Alena said...

My first favorite "adult" writer (as in person who wrote for adults not children) was probably Raymond Carver. All the talk of sunrises on here reminds me of his poem "Happiness." So here you are, I'll see you guys soon.


So early it's still almost dark out.
I'm near the window with coffee,
and the usual early morning stuff
that passes for thought.

When I see the boy and his friend
walking up the road
to deliver the newspaper.

They wear caps and sweaters,
and one boy has a bag over his shoulder.
They are so happy
they aren't saying anything, these boys.

I think if they could, they would take
each other's arm.
It's early in the morning,
and they are doing this thing together.

They come on, slowly.
The sky is taking on light,
though the moon still hangs pale over the water.

Such beauty that for a minute
death and ambition, even love,
doesn't enter into this.

Happiness. It comes on
unexpectedly. And goes beyond, really,
any early morning talk about it.

Ryherd said...

Go to for a wonderful front page feature on you Marcus and Peggy! Many good wishes coming from Hamilton County.
More new snow today with delay of 2 hours for school. As tired as we are, it is picture purfect to look at (but not to shovel).
We had another Night of Jazz concert at the Middle School Commons last night with 6th, 7&8th , and HS Jazz bands. It ended with the SR. salute and La Noche Del Burrito Picante or "Spicy Burrito". I think that is an annual tradition to play as far back as Wes. It is the best concert of the year in my opinion. We hope to hear how you are soon via this blog.

Unknown said...


My previous posts do not seem to have hit your blog. They must be floating somewhere out in the twilight zone. Too bad, as there were some classic words of wisdom (not really). I won't ramble on much until I find that I am breaking thru. This newfangled internet business is confusing. But we Iowanians have only had access to it since late 2006!
Seriously, we saw your article in the DFJ last night and it made us homesick for you guys in your candyland home back in WC. Inhibit/Inhabit? Loved it! All of our thoughts & prayers are with you. Stay strong!
Gregg-O (Cathy/Gregg Olson)

Unknown said...

Hey Marcus & Peggy -

I have been meaning to drop a note here for a while, but working and the life have been super hectic. too hetic to leave a 5 minute message you ask? I know, I know.

I really want to come down and visit you guys soon and make a time of's been too long since I've been able to haul rocks or tie a boat to a rock. So, I guess what I am trying to say is have plenty of rocks available when I come down. Haha. Love you guys and really hope to see you soon!

Your son from another mother,


Nic Nic said...

So, GC it still alien themed? Cant wait to see all the Fuhrman's!



Unknown said...

Wow, the benefit day approaches. Peg, I am excited about seeing you this afternoon! (How I wish you coudl be here, Marcus!) I think our concert will be "sold out" with children sitting on the floor. I can't wait to see the Webster City article! We will rock eastern Iowa this weekend:)

love, EDAG,
Sister Patty