Celebrate. Ya' teeh kess-messh. I Feel Good. Laughed until my cheeks ached. How to do that when you're dealing with powerful disease like Kancer?
HERE IS HOW IT'S DONE: Be one with: family, friends and phone calls. Sunday morning, the sun yet to stretch its warmth and light here at home, and the house is quiet despite nine sleeping relatives here from Iowa and Ill. They are scattered about the house at this hour and not a relative is stirring 'cept my little mouse--er. Lucky-Cat Friar Brian here for 4 weeks now and this kitty's a keeper. He lays quietly on my lap, eats but little, mimes his meows and hides for thirty min. when company comes over and yet he still receives constant attention and pleasantries. Makes me jealous.
But jealous might others be from how I've being treated. Ten days or so ago I was invited to a "blessed, blessed night" at our neighbors, Lisa and Pat Horning, where scrumptious food and festive planning had been afoot. Early evening - school night and Peg-and-I and Mandy walk into their kool haybale homestead. Low and high I see a huge banners, with a funny pictures and paper cut-out snow flakes writen with "Get better", "We miss you at school", and "The Bestest?" Standing around the Horning's southwest wonder-room are dozens of my students from Page high school. They greet me: cheering and laughing and hugging me with smiles if not smilies. Other snowflake cutouts carry other memories: High Fives, Most Awesome Music, You Go Girl, Ight, waz up G? and my favoirite: "Will you please stop your excessive blabbering?" I guess they must of learned something in all those years, more true now are what I underestand of Louie A's lyrics "They're really saying 'I Love You'". So for a short slice of this wonderful life I was treated to 2-3 hours of sharing, laughter, spagetti, salad, garlic-cheese bread, and dessert after dessert after cookies. And the school night played on. The roses I received still smell as sweet! Students,(that includes all of us humans) time to take some notes. Write this down in your heart. It's important, not for school or a report card but it will help for living the "A" life. Students, friends and family you gave me an evening that fill the tip-top of my misty, happy heart. Filled me to the tip-top of my contentment and satisifation quotient. You gave me strong medicine even if it limited my thanks to one, teary eyed sentence..."Laughter and learning is the best combination". That thought is what brought us together and binds us; that is the receipe for creating love and caring. Thank and bless each every one of us.
More jealous others may be. Two days later my brother, Peter< and Richard from France, putted across Lake Powell for a 3 hour tour. Boat ran perfecto; weather outside was frightful, water dead-flat and wind calm but the atomosphere a chilling 30' and threating snow. I did my tour spiel and a dam drive by, told the usual flood story of 1983 and blah, blah, blah...but wait, is that a bald eagle watching from the red sandstone hoodoo? Yep. Sitting still as the stone, and posing for photos as we idled past. 20 min later, on the return, he still sat and we still putted by and we still shot him with kodak-ammo. Steered passed a few tumbling, half sunk tumbleweeds, avoided the nearly exposed rocks jutting out and then spied another tumbleweed from the warm cabin of our crusier..."But it looks like it's moving to the left", I said to Peter. So again we stopped and we stared and we finally recognized a coyote in mid-lake swimming toward the cliffs and beaches below Lakeside Drive. Whoa. Doglike, with its head level and his bouyant tail looking like a floating rudder, Coyote paddled its best coyote-paddling, deliberately, slowly, in quiet cold water, always making headway to shore. We followed for 20 min. or so and watched him successfully waddle, limp and hobble onto the red sand beach. Coyote turned and looked at us, stumbled a little and tried to climb up a stone bench about 20" high. Half frozen, he half jumped and fell down; cyote jumped again, fell again, and on the third try, the same clumsy faliure. Turning up the slope, coyote found a gentler incline and wound around the step. Now 10 min from water's exit, and having warmed its hypothermic limbs, coyote began a slow lope toward a distant tree shelter. Minutes later we noticed a large bird overhead and as it's shadow covered the boat my first thought "Tyradatycl"! Ancient animal, huge wing span and an extended neck that that rivaled a giraff. My scientifically-trained brother Peter, corrected me and tagged the bird a "Swan". We looked to each other, thinking of the bald eagle, the water-logged coyote and the soaring swan. We smiled and I said "Pretty nice episode for "Wild Kingdom, don't you think?". Nice day on the lake.
Even more jealous you may be. Same week, Saturday at Grand Canyon, annual community holiday party in the El Tovar...more on that party later, time to wrap this up and send it off and bid all a toasty two days till christmas...love and laughter, marcus
Since, it seems, we're playing phone tag - Thought I'd drop a line (Or is that a Dime?) on ya.. Wanted to thank YOU and the Bilge Water Maids (yes - you know who you are) for the Fun Times in the NotSoBig City. Cold Days, Colder Beer and Warm Nights by the Fire. Looking forward to the next trip - and OhByTheWay: Did you or Mandy find any surprises????? Give Buckwheat a big hairy squeeze... Love to/from all: Harley Charley on the Eve of Eves...Merry-Mary
Merry, Merry Christmas, dear Furhmans! :)
You are one very blessed man...friends, family and your wonderful students. Loved the photos, the stories and YOU!!!!!
Love being here to celebrate a very special Christmas with you and ALL the Ankrums. And after spending the day with you in snowy white Flagstaff I'll now be able to picture you on the days you are sitting and getting those magical drugs. There wasn't a more beautiful sight than seeing that gorgeous snow dusting the rocks along our ride back home. Quite the day!
Loving you as you make that famous Klopping Family Fudge with PK and Wesley.
I'm going to write you a message from within your own castle! Sitting and looking at the fire in the fireplace and hoping that Wesley will make popcorn and watch a movie with me after everyone else has gone to bed. Feeling very blessed to be a part of this family- no matter how overpowering, overwhelming, overjoyed, and over... everyone is. It was a nice day to clean up after all the christmas festivities (just us wives, waitin' for their menfolk to return), and appreciate my return to normal gut-functions. I am with you when you say no one appreciates their regularity as much as they should. In a week we will be in sunny mexico, enjoying a cerveza, with our toes in the ocean. And then we will be at our own private villa, with our toes in our private pool, hopefully enjoying another cerveza. Can't wait, even with the hiccups it's been fun.
hugs hugs hugs and love love love,
the Queen of Corona- just me and Wesley down by the schoolyard...
p.s. Can't wait for the fudge you boys have made for us. In fact, I think I hear PK checking on it right now...
Dadddddddddddddddddddddyo! Out here in SB, survived the spaceship mishap, and am letting the moisture (fog) soak back into my parched desert skin. (Skin= your largest organ!) You sounded great last night, I'm glad that Friday went well and I know you are in the best hands while I'm away... remember: not too much coffee though: whattayadoin' whattayadoin' whattayadoin????? Ali is coming down and I think we're all going to have a girls camp out. Sending lots of love to you and of course my main man Brian, and the other homo(sapiens) in la casa!!!!
Buen viaje a Uds. You guys will have lots of good memories from fun, family, friends, surprise student gatherings (love the picts), etc. to take with you south of the border.
Random thought coming on...
Fuhr-man and Ankrum (which is almost like Ankle) Think about it....this would explain the reported sighting on a recent river trip in Cataract Canyon of a young girl named Mandy dressed in ankle high furry boots.
But what I really wanted to say was have a great trip to Mexico, but be careful in the ocean down there. It's been said that coyotes (but only the bouyant ones) have been spotted sculling their way south along the Mexican coastline at this time of year.
Hasta luego y we love you guys!
Saturday Morning Greetings, Marcus!
yep, it's me again. Home here in AG with gray clouds, tho no rain!!!! Flight home went well, too many people in Vegas, for sure...nice to come home to happy Fosterman and our familiar surroundings. Missin' our morning sunrise together already.Sun won't be peaking our here for a while.
It always fills me up when I'm out there in the desert with you and see the strength you possess as you make your way through this horrid disease. Thinking of your ruddy cheeks yesterday, how handsome you were looking and yet the reason came from the chemo, little did I know.
As I sit here I keep replaying your face when Pk and I walked in and surprised you last Monday. Tears for both of us but definitley the BEST of Christmases. Then there's the image of Peggy jumping up and down for several minutes that won't be far from my memory either. We humans are such creatures...need and love to be surrounded by those we care so much for. This Christmas has sure been one of unusual surprises for all of us. Where were we a year ago and what of the future? Never a clear answer yet the strong "can do" attitude you have and the constant positive outlook with that humor of yours lightens my heart.
So glad you're feeling better and will get that passport stamped next week, go fishing in the open seas in a little Mexican fishing boat with Wesley, and have a week of sun, family and love.
Oh, time to tell the story of your Christmas party in the Canyon...I wanna see the photos...get bloggin', Bro.
Loving you from here,
Hey Mr. F...
Itz Lisa, Adair and Zak comin' to ya live froommmmmmmmm journalism class. :-) A long, long time ago i can still remember how that music used to make me smile. And I knew if I had my chance I could make those people dance...
Zak says look this up and listen to it... It is called Electric Avenue... (projectplaylist.com and search for it)
Down in the street there is violence
And a lots of work to be done
No place to hang out our washing
And I can't blame all on the sun, oh no
We gonna rock down to Electric Avenue
And then we'll take it higher
Oh we gonna rock down to Electric Avenue
And then we'll take it higher
Workin' so hard like a soldier
Can't afford a thing on TV
Deep in my heart I'm a warrior
Can't get food for them kid, good God
We're glad to see the pictures and your comments from the party!!!
Peace, we're out.
Yo ho. Back at home for a while unless you guys can talk me into another warm weather trip. Florida was warm, warmer than Mexico, but not as much fun.
Let me know when you get the van ready and maybe we'll head south for a camping trip.
Glad to hear your having some good days.
Lots of love from the cold, but not Minnesota cold zone.
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