all the pre-testing, measuring, guaging, screening, prodding, x-raying, ct-ing, bleeding and waiting is finished. at dawn on halloween i meet the knife! AHHHHHHHHH. and i'm glad. pegandi and mandy are in tucson, and at 5am or so drive over to Tucson Medical Center for the operation at 7am. by lunch time (for all of you, not I) it'll be out of there. hope for best result, gather all your powers of positive thinking, hoping, and imagining. send them directly to me and my destiny, in any shape or form. cry out to the sky, i'll hear you, hum a happy note and i'll be humming beside you, sing when you see the sunrise and i'll feel its glow on my skin. thanks beyond thanks to deepest appreciation and loving warmth fills me as i start this next journey. so many well wishes from so many of you, my family, my friends and those who know they are both. I feel so well loved.
peg and mandy will update and give you the facts, ma'm, just the facts, while i'm morphed out and perhaps less than clear speaking and thinking. we'll keep this current and give a phone # for the hospital room.
love and then love again, to all
My poetic & loving brother, I wish I could control the destiny of your blessed soul and I wish just as much that I was holding you in my arms right now... I love you.
I love you. As I told Peg, Lars ran his race for his uncle yesterday. He sends you the little ball of fire he uses to do well. I spoke to Zach late last night and he sends his love too. I do believe in miracles and want to find some hope in all of this. I am sending you a rosary I got a few years ago when Peter, Richard and I visited Bernadette's grotto in Lourdes. It has helped me through tough times; even as a recovering Catholic, rituals sometimes provide solace to a former altar boy.
We hope to come out after Christmas for a long overdue visit. Let us know what you think. Love and hugs to everyone who is hurting right now.
Your sister,
Marcus, Peg, Mandi, Wes, and all -
You are in our every thought. We're waiting anxiously to hear good news of your surgery. We are sending you all of our positive energy.
We love you!
Love from one Fuhrman to another. What we share is special and shall always be. You're in my heart and soul. The world is brighter with you as my brother. I love you: Charley
Dearest cousins,
We love you and you are in our every thought. We are here and wish we were there.
Sue and Ed
floating with friends
cataract canyon mother
reborn with water
we'll be back.
(haikuist bbbp)
Hello Marcus,
I don't know you well, only through Denny and his sisters. I think of you often, though, since we met. All I know to do is send you my favorite Rumi:
Today like every other day
we wake up empty & scared.
Don't open the door to the study
& begin to read.
Take down the dulcimer
Let the beauty we love
be what we do.
There are hundreds of ways
To kneel and kiss the ground.
Take good care,
Hey Big Brother,
I wrote you a poem but it was pretty sappy and besides everyone knows you are the Philosopher of the family. So I will leave that to you, to discuss during out next visit. I look forward to turkey day.
You are with me every minute.
I love you
Marcus and Peggy,
The last WCCT newsletter listed your blog, and I had just gotten news about Marcus. Strength comes from believing,and I know you two share a special strength. You bless everyone you touch with your joy and talents. Please know our thoughts and prayers are with you. Sending love and strength from Iowa.
miss you guys already. Can't wait to see everyone in two weeks.
I know we're far apart but it's better to think of it as spreading love all over.
I think of you all constantly.
I heard you like poetry, so I'll just send an occasional one:
Praise Them
by Li-Young Lee
The birds don't alter space
They reveal it. The sky
never fills with any
leftover flying. They leave
nothing to trace. It is our own
astonishment collects
in chill air. Be glad.
They equal their due
moment never begging,
and enter ours
without parting day. See
how three birds in a winter tree
make the tree barer.
Two fly away, and new rooms
open in December.
Give up what you guessed
about a whirring heart, the little
beaks and claws, their constant hunger.
We're the nervous ones.
If even one of our violent number
could be gentle
long enough that one of them
found it safe inside
our finally untroubled and untroubling gaze,
who wouldn't hear
what singing completes us?
Hey All,
Music heals. Music moves. I've found this one on google videos and have been listening to it for days.
Sweetness for sure. Copy and paste this one and give a listen to Peggy O!
Love to us all!
billy burns
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