all the pre-testing, measuring, guaging, screening, prodding, x-raying, ct-ing, bleeding and waiting is finished. at dawn on halloween i meet the knife! AHHHHHHHHH. and i'm glad. pegandi and mandy are in tucson, and at 5am or so drive over to Tucson Medical Center for the operation at 7am. by lunch time (for all of you, not I) it'll be out of there. hope for best result, gather all your powers of positive thinking, hoping, and imagining. send them directly to me and my destiny, in any shape or form. cry out to the sky, i'll hear you, hum a happy note and i'll be humming beside you, sing when you see the sunrise and i'll feel its glow on my skin. thanks beyond thanks to deepest appreciation and loving warmth fills me as i start this next journey. so many well wishes from so many of you, my family, my friends and those who know they are both. I feel so well loved.
peg and mandy will update and give you the facts, ma'm, just the facts, while i'm morphed out and perhaps less than clear speaking and thinking. we'll keep this current and give a phone # for the hospital room.
love and then love again, to all