up early, cool still, kids slow to warm and wake. spent morning lounging and lazing, big kj breakfast, and sit around. cousins getting reacquainted, and funny as ever. then we went to buddha ranch. friend's house and 50 acre fields. two ponds for fishing, kayaking; new house full of exotic treasures from the orient, statuary, rugs, temple door, art work, kitchen table standing on the back of rhino! Krazy and kool. lazed big time, nap on porch, ate, walked orchards and 1/2 acre garden, the most amazing events of the afternoon however were the numerous first experiences for mandy mae and 'lena. they went out in kayaks, with poles, Neeve, hooks and hope? both caught and touched and released real fish...by themselves, no screaming or whining (after the first two or so fish) and then they showed peggy how to hook 'em. she did. so funny. wes spent his time just jetting back and forth giving instructions and "you got one" to all the womens. off the pond and we spent 30 min shooting buddhas. (pix) amazing place, comfort unexpected and totaly pleasant... nothing to do but relax and relax some more, fantastic distant landscape of rockies and snow, and horse farms all around...well if we pass by here on the journey home, we must return to buddha ranch. oooooommmmmmmmmmmmm.
later, another delish din-din at laura's kitchen, talapia with tom and feta cheeze, tasty ceasar's salad and stuff. sleep, soundly
Marcus and Peggy,
I'm so happy that you are having such a peaceful and enjoyable trip. A really nice way to precede a scary period. The peace and tranquility of your trip should help better prepare you to be positive and recover quickly!
We're all thinking about you here at the Grand Canyon!
Sounds like you are doing some great relaxing. Sooo wonderful. Went camping at Desert View with Everett (not sure if I mentioned that.) It was cold, but fun. He's getting bigger all the time!
Say hey to the Colorado River for me!!
I just wanted to come on and say thank you to everyone in Colorado (the SpaldFuhrs) for all their love and acceptance. What a beautiful break in the clouds for fun and relaxation. This family has shown me love and acceptance and so much more! I have always enjoyed my cousins and aunts and uncles and sister and what a treat to now have even more to get to know!
KJ, Laura, Neeve and Mia- I had a wonderful time with you guys! KJ-thanks for the patience while trying to teach me how to shoot pool, I told you I wasn't very good! Laura-your delicious meals will be hard to beat in the midwest, thanks for keeping us well fed. Mia-thanks for showing us around town and letting us get you that shirley temple! And Neeve- thanks for the moral support while I took that first fish off the hook and for jumping off the dock in your clothes with me-how wonderful!! I am so excited to have a whole new batch of family, especially when they are as wonderful as all of you guys! I am honored to be [almost] a Fuhrman.
Wes and I will be keeping Peggy and Marcus company from here to Iowa City! Mandy Mae we miss you already-safe journey back to SB after the storm of the century. And Julie and Paul we cannot WAIT to see you at the wedding!
And to the rest of the Fuhrmans and Ankrums out there in cyber space we hope to see all of YOU at the wedding too!
Much love from Nebraska,
Alena (and Wes too!)
So you shot buddhas?? When did you start shooting at things? Let's see those pics!
Sounds like you're having a wonderful time having the family close at hand. Family is abeautiful thing.
Matthew rejoined the nest briefly this weekend. After a 27 hour trip, including respit at the Lindigs, matthew and four fellow cadets arrived at our door! They had a 72 hour pass and decided to come to the canyon!!! Saw a sunset, consumed masses of food, hiked a bit and then headed back to the Springs! He heads to his Ops post in Oklahoma this weekend.
The curly haired one is a red card carrying firefighter! pretty jazzed. oh and speaking of Chaz, his and Meli's baby is due in June. Mother to be is doing fine.
Look forward to your next post.
Smooth trails.
Love ya, D&J
Nothin' better than family to hold you close. Glad the weekend in Colorado was fantastic. Guess Pk and I will have to check out Budda Ranch this weekend when we're there. Wished I been there with all of you.
Much love as you head east.
Love you, Marcus,(and Peg, Wes and Alena)...Mandy did you get home?????
We can't wait to go camping with you guys! I love living vicariously through your e-mails on your adventure to Iowa. Babies are doing fine, visiting the library, checking things out at the Fuhrman homestead, and anxiously awaiting swimming lessons. I'll send pics soon. Love and happy vibes coming your way! Shell, Tom, Mad, and Gracie
Good morning,
Ok it is official, I am one of those geezers! It has taken me several days to figure this out again! Wow...what a wonderful spot you are in. Although, come to my house and you will more that likely order out chinese! Remember it is the company. I wish you safe journey into Iowa...next trip you will have to stay at our new homestead in Linden. (pop. 212) It is certainly off the beaten path. Although, a herd of 10 Aberdeen angus wondered into the yard...even on the front porch, Andy says they rang the doorbell...
Here is a joke from Ed. We love you all. Rain and hot in MN. The flowers love it.
Sue and Ed
"In carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli (E.coli) bacteria found in feces. In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop a year!
However, we don't run that risk when drinking wine (or rum, whiskey, beer or other liquor) because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling, filtering and/or fermenting.
Remember: Water = Poop / Wine = Health
Therefore, it's better to drink wine and talk stupid, than to drink water and be full of shit."
I love all the pictures and am glad to know that I should drink more wine. You learn so much on these sites. Whew! Anyway I am glad Wes and Alena are with you now. I have one more week of school but then go right into summer school. Went on a great hike to Ice Box Canyon on Sunday and enjoyed the day in the wild. I am so happy that you are having such a wonderful trip and seeing and being with all the people you love. wish I could be there with you, but you are in my thoughts every day. Happy thoughts. Normie, one of the Golden Girls
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