up early, cool still, kids slow to warm and wake. spent morning lounging and lazing, big kj breakfast, and sit around. cousins getting reacquainted, and funny as ever. then we went to buddha ranch. friend's house and 50 acre fields. two ponds for fishing, kayaking; new house full of exotic treasures from the orient, statuary, rugs, temple door, art work, kitchen table standing on the back of rhino! Krazy and kool. lazed big time, nap on porch, ate, walked orchards and 1/2 acre garden, the most amazing events of the afternoon however were the numerous first experiences for mandy mae and 'lena. they went out in kayaks, with poles, Neeve, hooks and hope? both caught and touched and released real fish...by themselves, no screaming or whining (after the first two or so fish) and then they showed peggy how to hook 'em. she did. so funny. wes spent his time just jetting back and forth giving instructions and "you got one" to all the womens. off the pond and we spent 30 min shooting buddhas. (pix) amazing place, comfort unexpected and totaly pleasant... nothing to do but relax and relax some more, fantastic distant landscape of rockies and snow, and horse farms all around...well if we pass by here on the journey home, we must return to buddha ranch. oooooommmmmmmmmmmmm.
later, another delish din-din at laura's kitchen, talapia with tom and feta cheeze, tasty ceasar's salad and stuff. sleep, soundly